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Element type: | miSCENE_OPTIONS |
Data type: | miOptions |
Sizes: | - |
Defaults: | as described below |
The rendering options were designed to accommodate as wide a range of renderers as possible, from simple wireframe displayers to complex ray tracers. The interpretation of the structure members is left to the renderer. Generally, no renderer will require all provided fields; each renderer may use a different subset.
struct miOptions { miBoolean trace; /* 2nd generation ray trace? */ int scanline; /* 0=off, 1=on, 'o'=OpenGL, * 'r'=rasterizer */ miUint motion; /* motion blur? : miFALSE */ miBoolean shadow_sort; /* Obsolete! Do not use */ miBoolean preview_mode; /* for future use */ int reflection_depth; /* refl. trace depth : 1 */ int refraction_depth; /* refr. trace depth : 1 */ int trace_depth; /* refl. + refr. depth : 1 */ int min_samples; /* min. sampling level : -2 */ int max_samples; /* max. sampling level : 0 */ miColor contrast; /* sampling contrast: .1 */ miColor time_contrast; /* temporal sampling contrast*/ miTag contour_contrast; /* NULLTAG */ miTag contour_store; /* NULLTAG */ miBoolean caustic; /* enable caustics: miFALSE */ miBoolean globillum; /* enable global il.: miFALSE*/ int caustic_accuracy; /* no. caus. photons in est. */ float caustic_radius; /* maxdist for caus. photons */ int globillum_accuracy; /* no. glob. photons in est. */ float globillum_radius; /* maxdist for glob. photons */ float caustic_filter_const; /* filter const. for caus. */ float filter_size_x; /* filter size in x : 1.0 */ float filter_size_y; /* filter size in y : 1.0 */ float jitter; /* sample jittering : 0.0 */ float shutter; /* shutter close time: 0 */ short grid_res[3]; /* grid resolution */ short grid_max_size; /* max obj. in grid cell */ short grid_max_depth; /* max grid nesting */ miSint1 def_min_samples; /* min/max samples for objs */ miSint1 def_max_samples; /* without min/max, -128 127 */ int space_max_size; /* space subdiv. leaf size: 4*/ int space_max_depth; /* space subdiv. depth : 25*/ float shutter_delay; /* shutter open time: 0 */ int no_images; /* # images : 1 */ miApprox approx; /* approximation overrides if*/ miApprox approx_displace; /* style != APPROX_STYLE_NONE*/ miUint spare1[19]; /* keep ray33 offsets */ miTag images_info; /* frame buffers */ miTag finalgather_file; /* finalgather map file: 0 */ miCBoolean space_shadow_separate; /* space subdiv shadow struct*/ miUchar finalgather_filter; /* finalgather ray filter */ char rast_collect_rate; /* rasterizer only: */ /* samples per pixel per x,y */ /* default: 4 */ char rast_motion_resample; /* rasterizer only: # of */ /* time samples for movng geo*/ char use_shadow_maps; /* 0=off, 1=on, 'o'=opengl*/ /* bit7: only shmap,no render*/ miCBoolean rendering_shadow_maps; /* Shadow map mode? 0 */ char recompute_shadow_maps; /* 'n'o,'y'es (could be Bool)*/ char shadow; /* shadow casting? : 1 */ /* 0 off, 1 on, 'l' sort, */ /* 's' segments */ char caustic_filter; /* filter-type */ /* 'b' box, 'c' cone, */ /* 'g' gaussian */ miCBoolean finalgather_rebuild; /* rebuild FG ?: on*/ char filter; /* sample filter type : 'b' */ /* 'b' box, 't' triangle, */ /* 'g' gauss */ char acceleration; /* acceleration: 'b' */ /* 'c' ray classification, */ /* 'b' bsp, 'g' grid */ /* 'l' large (flushing) bsp */ char face; /* primitive facing: 'a' */ /* 'f' front, 'b' back, */ /* 'a' all */ char field; /* field rendering? 0 */ /* 0 off, 'e' even, 'o' odd */ char smethod; /* sampling algorithm: 'q' */ char render_space; /* coordinate space 'o' */ /* 'c' camera space, */ /* 'o' object space, */ /* 'm' mixed space */ miCBoolean pixel_preview; /* pixel selective sampling */ miCBoolean task_preview; /* task selective sampling */ miCBoolean visible_lights; /* any visible area lights? */ miCBoolean shadow_map_motion; /* motion blurred shadowmaps?*/ int task_size; /* image task size : 0 */ miBoolean strips; /* GAP returns triangles in * strips */ miTag photonmap_file; /* photon map file name */ miBoolean photonmap_rebuild; /* photon map rebuild ? */ int photon_reflection_depth;/* photon refl. depth */ int photon_refraction_depth;/* photon refr. depth */ int photon_trace_depth; /* total photon trace depth */ int space_max_mem; /* maximum bsp memory (mb):0 */ miColor caustic_scale; /* caustic multiplier */ miColor globillum_scale; /* globillum multiplier */ miColor finalgather_scale; /* finalgather multiplier */ miColor finalgather_sec_scale; /* secondary fg multiplier */ miUint spare4; miColor photonvol_scale; /* photon volume multiplier */ miUint spare2[6]; /* keep ray33 offsets */ miTag spectrum_blueprint; /* spectrum for render space */ miTag input_cprof; /* input color space, default */ miTag white_cprof; /* white adapt. col. space */ miTag render_cprof; /* color profile render space*/ miTag fb_dir; /* frame buffer directory */ miCBoolean no_lens; /* disable lens shaders */ miCBoolean no_volume; /* disable volume shaders */ miCBoolean no_geometry; /* disable geometry shaders */ miCBoolean no_displace; /* disable displace shaders */ miUint1 no_output; /* disable output shaders */ miCBoolean no_merge; /* disable surface merging */ miUint1 caustic_flag; /* def. caustic flag for objs*/ miUint1 diagnostic_mode; /* miSCENE_DIAG_* flags */ int photonvol_accuracy; /* no. vol. photons in est. */ float photonvol_radius; /* maxdist for vol. photons */ miUint1 globillum_flag; /* def. globil. flag for objs*/ miCBoolean samplelock; /* steady samples?: on */ miCBoolean autovolume; /* internal volumes? */ miCBoolean finalgather_view; /* radii in raster pixels ? */ miCBoolean no_hair; /* disable hair rendering */ miUint1 n_motion_vectors; /* global number of motions */ miCBoolean no_pass; /* disable multipass render */ miCBoolean photon_autovolume; /* autovolume for photons */ miCBoolean no_predisplace; /* disable displ presampling */ miUint1 fg_reflection_depth; /* finalgather refl. depth */ miUint1 fg_refraction_depth; /* finalgather refr. depth */ miUint1 fg_trace_depth; /* total fg trace depth */ float fg_falloff_start; /* finalgather falloff start */ float fg_falloff_stop; /* finalgather falloff stop */ miTag userdata; /* optional user data blocks */ miUint4 spare5[24]; /* not used, but keep offsets */ int finalgather; /* 0:off,1:on,'f':fastlookup*/ int finalgather_rays; /* no. rays in final gather */ float finalgather_maxradius; /* maxdist for finalgather */ float finalgather_minradius; /* mindist for finalgather */ float diag_photon_density; /* density for diag */ float diag_grid_size; /* gridsize for diag */ miBoolean desaturate; /* for IMG: fade to white? */ miBoolean dither; /* for IMG: LSB dithering? */ miBoolean nopremult; /* for IMG: A < RGB ok? */ int colorclip; /* for IMG: miIMG_COLORCLIP* */ float gamma; /* for IMG: gamma, default 1 */ miTag inh_funcdecl; /* inheritance function */ miColor luminance_weight; /* weights to calc intensity */ int spare0[2]; /* not used */ miCBoolean inh_is_traversal; /* inh_funcdecl is a traver- */ /* sal, not inheritance, shd */ miUint1 hardware; /* hwrender 0=off 1=on 3=all */ miUint1 hardware_diagnostic; /* flags for diagn. mode */ miUint1 shadowmap_flags; /* flag for shadowmaps */ float maxdisplace; /* override if !=0: default 0*/ miScalar shadowmap_bias; /* move shmap Z back by bias */ miUint1 hwshader; /* 1=force */ /* 2=cg 4=oglsl/hlsl 8=fast */ miCBoolean photonmap_only; /* render photon map only */ miUint1 lightmap; /* 0=off,1=on,2=only */ /* 4=use any host (unsafe) */ miUint1 fg_diffuse_depth; /* #secondary fg bounces */ miTag state_func; /* allow user to init state */ float fg_presamp_density; /* samples density for precomp. * finalgather points */ float rast_shading_samples; /* shading samples per pixel */ /* default: 1.0f */ int spare3; /* not used */ miTag string_options; /* arbitrary name-value options */ int spare[9]; /* not used */ };
A translator must provide: nothing.
A translator may provide: all fields.
trace (default miTRUE) enables ray tracing. The trace flag is obsolete as of mental ray 3.4. Code that writes to the trace field should write to the reflection, refraction, and finalgather flag bitmaps instead.
scanline (default miTRUE) enables the first-generation scanline algorithm if applicable to improve speed. miFALSE disables scanline rendering, and 'o' replaces the standard scanline renderer with an OpenGL renderer that used the OpenGL hardware of the system for fast rendering (SGI only).
motion (default miFALSE) enables motion blurring.
preview_mode (default miFALSE) not currently used.
reflection_depth (default 1) limits the ray tracing depth for reflection rays.
refraction_depth (default 1) limits the ray tracing depth for refraction or transparency rays.
trace_depth (default 1) limits the ray tracing depth for the sum of all rays.
min_samples (default -2) specifies the minimum number of
samples in each direction in recursive oversampling mode. At least
samples in each direction will be
max_samples (default 0) specifies the maximum number of
samples in each direction in recursive oversampling mode. At most
samples in each direction will be
contrast (default 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1) specifies the contrast limit above which more spatial samples are taken.
Note that the previous three options are not used by the rasterizer. Please see rast_collect_rate instead.
time_contrast (default 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2) controls the number of temporal samples used for motion blur rendering. The value is approximately equal to the inverse of the number of the temporal samples. Because of blurring, this can usually be much higher than the spatial contrast.
contour_contrast (default no shader) specifies a function that computes contrasts in contour rendering mode.
contour_store (default no shader) specifies a function that collects and stores sample information for use by the contour contrast function, in contour rendering mode.
caustic specifies whether caustics should be rendered.
globillum specifies whether global illumination should be rendered. This mode is available only in version 2.1 or later.
caustic_accuracy specifies the number of photons to use when estimating radiance for caustics.
caustic_radius specifies the maximum distance in which photons used in the radiance estimate for caustics are located. If the radius is 0.0 then an estimate based on the scene extent will be used.
globillum_accuracy specifies the number of photons to use when estimating radiance for global illumination.
globillum_radius specifies the maximum distance in which photons used in the radiance estimate for global illumination are located. If the radius is 0.0 then an estimate based on the scene extent will be used.
caustic_filter_const is a constant used when filtering caustics radiance estimates.
filter_size_x (default 1.0) specifies the width of the filter specified in the filter field.
filter_size_y (default 1.0) specifies the height of the filter specified in the filter field.
jitter (default 0.0) is the jitter interval. Jittering displaces samples to avoid sampling artifacts.
shutter (default 1.0) is the shutter time of the camera if motion blurring is enabled. It may not be negative.
subdivision, subdivision_2d, and subdivision_memory are obsolete.
grid_res3.1 (default 0 0 0) controls the voxel grid resolution in X, Y, and Z directions, if acceleration is set to 'g' (grid). If all three are 0, mental ray uses a default computed from the scene.
grid_max_size3.1 (default 128) controls the maximum size of each grid voxel, if acceleration is set to 'g' (grid).
grid_max_depth3.1 (default 2) controls the maximum nesting depth of grids, if acceleration is set to 'g' (grid).
min_def_samples3.1 (default -128) applies to all samples (eye rays including all their secondaries) that have not hit any objects with a min_samples field. It specifies the minimum oversampling for such samples. Effectively, it acts as the default in per-object oversampling mode. Like object min/max parameters, it must stay in the overall sampling range specified by min_samples ... max_samples. -128 turns it off; min_samples will be used.
max_def_samples3.1 (default 127) applies to all samples (eye rays including all their secondaries) that have not hit any objects with a max_samples field. It specifies the maximum oversampling for such samples. Effectively, it acts as the default in per-object oversampling mode. Like object min/max parameters, it must stay in the overall sampling range specified by min_samples ... max_samples. 127 turns it off; max_samples will be used.
space_max_size (default 4) is the maximum leaf size in BSP mode.
space_max_depth (default 24) is the maximum tree depth in BSP mode.
shutter_delay3.1 (default 0) allows starting
the shutter open interval late.
It ranges from ro shutter .
This is useful for shifting the evaluation time to the center of
the frame by setting shutter_delay and shutter to the same value,
such as 0.5, and then doing bidirectional postprocessing motion
no_images (default 1) is the number of valid entries in the images_info array described below.
images_info3.4 is a database array which specifies the frame buffers. There are no_images entries in the array. Each entry has the type miFb_info, which is described below. Frame buffers may be accessed only in output shaders. Note that output shaders need to be changed for mental ray 3.4 to implement the new frame buffer access methods.
typedef struct miFb_info { /* mental ray 3.4 and later! */ miImg_type image_type; /* image types */ miUint4 write_image; /* bits: 0=sample image */ /* 1=write image */ miBoolean interp_image /* interpolate image? */ } miFb_info;
See the documentation of the IMG module for a list of allowed types.
image_types (default miIMG_TYPE_RGBA) specifies the image types to be generated during rendering.
write_image (default 3) specifies for each image whether it is sampled (if bit 0 is 1) and written to a file (if bit 1 is 1) after rendering completes. mental ray 2.1 combined both bits into a single boolean.
interp_image (default miTRUE, miFALSE, ...) specifies for each image whether it is to be interpolated. This means that if fewer than one sample per pixel is taken, the holes are filled in.
finalgather_file is a string containing the filename of a file from which a finalgather point map should be loaded (if possible) or otherwise saved to. If this tag is a miNULLTAG then no finalgather map is loaded or saved.
space_shadow_separate3.1 turns on separate BSP trees for traceable and shadow geometry. The trace and shadow flags are attributes of geometric objects. Objects that have both flags go into both BSP trees, which is less efficient.
finalgather_filter specifies the size of the final gathering speckle removal filter. 0 means off; values greater than 4 are not normally useful.
rast_collect_rate specifies the number of samples rendered, per pixel dimension. If set to 0, it defaults to 4, which gives 16 samples per pixel.
rast_shading_samples specifies the number of shading calls per pixel. If set to 0, it defaults to 1.
rast_motion_resample controls the number of points in time sampled by the rasterizer (formerly called Rapid Motion).
use_shadow_maps, if miTRUE, specifies that shadowmaps should be used for the light sources which have shadowmaps. If set to 'o', shadowmaps are computed using OpenGL. mental ray 3.2 allows independently setting bit 7 to render only shadowmaps to files, if applicable, but omit the main rendering stage ( -shadowmap only). This flag applies to all shadowmaps in the scene. The default is off (0).
rendering_shadow_maps is miTRUE when the shadowmaps are being rendered. This option is internal to RC and only used to optimize the rendering of shadowmaps.
recompute_shadow_maps can be 'y' or 'n'. 'y' means that all shadowmaps are recomputed even if they could have been loaded from a file. 'n' means that shadowmaps are only computed if they could not be re-used or loaded from a file (shadowmaps are recomputed "intelligently" meaning that the shadowmap code tries to identify those light sources for which a new shadowmap needs to be recomputed. This recomputation currently only applies to light sources for which the position or direction of the emitted light - ie. the transformation matrix - changes in an animation).
shadow (default 1) controls shadow casting. It is one of 0 (no shadows), 1 (normal shadows), 's' (shadow segments with separate volume shaders), and 'l' (shadow intersections sorted from the light source towards the illumination point).
caustic_filter is the type of filter used: 'b' box filter, 'c' cone filter and 'g' gauss filter.
filter (default 'b') is one of 'b' (box filter), 't' (triangle filter), 'g' (Gaussian filter), 'm' (Mitchell filter), or 'l' (Lanczos filter).
acceleration (default 'b') is one of 'b' (space subdivision, BSP), 'l' (large-scene BSP), and 'g' (grid).
face (default 'a') enables backface culling, one of 'f' (front-facing only), 'b' (back-facing only), and 'a' (both). During rendering, mental ray 3.x copies the face flag to the shader state to make it controllable by shaders.
field is not used.
smethod is not used.
render_space is 'o' for object space (recommended) or 'c' for camera space (default for backwards compatibility).
pixel_preview is set when pixel previewing should be used. The default is off.
task_preview is set when task previewing should be used. The default is off.
visible_lights is set if there are any area lights with the 'visible' flag. This option is internal to RC and used to optimize rendering.
shadow_map_motion enables motion blurring of shadowmap shadows. The default is on.
task_size (default 0) is the size of the image tasks to be rendered. If it is zero, a heuristic based on the image resolution will be used in RC in order to calculate an appropriate value. task_size can also be specified explicitly.
strips specifies whether the approximated geometry is represented as triangle strips and fans. The default is off.
photonmap_file is a string containing the filename of a file from which a photon map should be loaded (if possible) or otherwise saved to. If this tag is a miNULLTAG then no photon map is loaded or saved.
photonmap_rebuild will, if true, enforce a recomputation of the photon map even if it could have been loaded from a file.
photon_reflection_depth controls the trace depth of reflected photons. The default is 5.
photon_refraction_depth controls the trace depth of refracted photons. The default is 5.
photon_trace_depth controls the combined trace depth of reflected and refracted photons. The default is 5.
caustic_scale3.4 is multiplied into the indirect illumination from caustics. Factors greater than 1 increase the brightness of the effect. If just this option is changed, it is correct to re-render scene with photonmap_rebuild set to false.
globillum_scale3.4 is multiplied into the irradiance obtained from global illumination photonmap lookup. Factors greater than 1 increase the brightness of the effect. If just this option is changed, it is correct to re-render scene with photonmap_rebuild set to false.
finalgather_scale3.4 is multiplied into the indirect illumination obtained from final gathering. This allows fast artistic tuning of indirect illumination. If just this option is changed, it is correct to re-render scene with finalgather_rebuild set to false, saving the finalgather preprocessing step.
lum_efficacy3.4 (default 1) is a constant with units lumen per Watt. If the calculations in the rendering color space are performed in radiometric units, then the result may be multiplied by this constant to obtain photometric units. For physically correct rendering this value should be 683 lumen per Watt. Selecting a value unequal to one may require selecting an output file format capable of storing arbitrary floating point numbers. mental ray does not distinguish between radiometric and photometric units by default. The luminous efficacy should only be set to a non-unit value if there are specific reasons requiring this step.
white_cprof3.4 is a tag associated with a color profile used to perform all white point point adaptions when transforming from the rendering color space to the output color profile. If this value is not set, then any white point adaptions are performed in mental rays internal color space.
render_cprof3.4 is a tag associated with a color profile describing the rendering color space. If this value is not set, then rendering is performed in a device dependent color space which is identical with the output color space. If the value is set to a valid color profile, then rendering is performed in this color space. The results in the color frame buffer are stored in mental rays internal color space.
fb_dir3.4 is a string containing the directory for frame buffer files on disk. If this is a null tag then defaults are taken from environment variables.
no_lens, if miTRUE, disables all lens shaders. The default is miFALSE.
no_volume, if miTRUE, disables all volume shaders. The default is miFALSE.
no_geometry, if miTRUE, disables all geometry shaders. The default is miFALSE.
no_displace, if miTRUE, disables all displacement shaders. The default is miFALSE.
no_output is a bitmap. Bit zero, it set, disables all output shaders. Bit one, if set, disables writing of output image files. The default is zero for both bits.
no_merge, if miTRUE, disables all edge merging and adjacency detection. The default is miFALSE.
caustic_flag is the default caustic flag for objects. The default value is 3, making all objects caustic generators and caustic receivers.
diagnostic_mode controls alternate rendering modes for diagnostic purposes. It is a bitmap. The only currently supported bit is miSCENE_DIAG_SAMPLES which, when set, turns on sample view mode. The default value is zero for all bits.
photonvol_accuracy specifies the number of photons to use when estimating radiance inside participating media.
photonvol_radius specifies the maximum distance in which photons used in the radiance estimate for participating media are located. If the radius is 0.0 then an estimate based on the scene extent will be used.
cut_windows2.1 enables rendering every image
as cut windows if set greater than
cut_expand2.1 increases the cut window frustum by a factor all around the frustum if greater than zero, to catch invisible outside geometry that becomes visible because it is displaced into the frustum. The default is 0.1. It has an effect only if cut windows are enabled.
globillum_flag is the default globillum flag for objects. The default value is 3, making all objects globillum generators and receivers.
samplelock (default miTRUE) uses the same sampling sequences for every frame, causing sampling noise to remain unchanged in unchanged parts of the scene. If set to miFALSE, the sequences are initialized with the frame number to cause moving noise.
autovolume (default miFALSE enables automatic volume tracking by mental ray. This allows managing overlapping volumes and a camera that is inside one or more volumes, to always call the correct volume shaders.
finalgather_view (default miFALSE) switches the final gather radius parameters from world space to projected raster space.
no_hair3.1, if set, disables hair rendering.
n_motion_vectors3.1 specifies the number of curve segments into which motion transformations should be subdivided to create a smooth curved motion path. This must be a number in the range 1..15. The default is 1. The scene language equivalent is motion steps.
no_pass3.1 disables multipass rendering. All pass statements in the camera will be ignored.
photon_autovolume enables autovolume mode for photons. Autovolume mode keeps track of the volumes or list of volumes that a photon is in, depending on volume shaders and their mixing properties on materials.
no_predisplace turns off displacement presampling, which normally attempts to improve bounding box quality by checking a number of displaced points for extreme values.
fg_reflection_depth is a trace depth for reflected finalgather rays. This implements multi-generation final gathering in a way similar to reflection_depth for regular rays. mental ray versions prior to 3.4 did not trace multigeneration finalgather rays. For mental ray versions prior to 3.4 this options only restricts depth of specular and glossy reflected child rays of finalgather rays.
fg_refraction_depth is a trace depth for refracted finalgather rays.
fg_diffuse_depth3.4 is a trace depth for secondary diffuse bounces.
fg_trace_depth is a total trace depth for reflected and refracted finalgather rays.
fg_falloff_start specifies the starting distance for finalgather falloff.
fg_falloff_stop specifies the stopping distance for finalgather rays. The total length of finalgather rays cannot exceed the stop distance, and is attenuated with a linear falloff curve between the start and stop distances. If both are set to 0.0, no falloff takes place.
approx overrides all base surface approximations in objects, both free-form surfaces and polygonal, if the approximation style is not miAPPROX_STYLE_NONE. This style is the default, and all other fields are 0. Use the miAPPROX_DEFAULT macro to activate this approximation. See the miApprox data structure description above.
approx_displace is the same thing for displacement approximations.
finalgather enables final gathering. The default is off.
finalgather_rays is the number of rays shot in each final gather. The default is 1000.
finalgather_maxradius is the maximum radius in which a final gather result can be used for interpolation or extrapolation. If this radius is 0.0 then an estimate based on the scene extent will be used.
finalgather_minradius indicates that a final gather result must be used for interpolation or extrapolation if it is within this distance. If this radius is 0.0, it will be set to 10% of finalgather_maxradius.
diag_photon_density scales the diagnostic photon density mode by defining the density where the diagnostic color range peaks.
diag_grid_size defines the grid width of the diagnostic grid mode.
desaturate used to be set with mi_img_mode2.1. If enabled, colors exceeding the 0..1 range will not be clipped per component, but the whole color is faded to white. This has an effect only when storing colors in 8-bit or 16-bit color frame buffers.
dither was also handled by mi_img_mode2.1. It enables LSB dithering when storing colors in 8-bit or 16-bit color frame buffers, to avoid color banding.
nopremult was also handled by mi_img_mode2.1. It turns off premultiplication when storing colors in the frame buffer.
colorclip was also handled by mi_img_mode2.1. Sets the color clipping when storing colors in 8-bit or 16-bit color frame buffers to miIMG_COLORCLIP_RGB (preserve RGB and adjust alpha), miIMG_COLORCLIP_ALPHA (preserve alpha and adjust RGB), or miIMG_COLORCLIP_RAW (disable color clipping).
gamma was also handled by mi_img_mode2.1. It applies gamma correction if gamma is less than or greater than 1.0, when storing colors in 8-bit or 16-bit color frame buffers.
inh_funcdecl contains the inheritance function.
luminance_weight (default )
controls the weights that mi_luminance will assign to R, G,
and B, respectively, to compute the luminance value.
split_obj_no_triangs is not used.
split_obj_no_faces is not used.
inh_is_traversal3.1 (mental ray 3.1.2), if true, switches the inheritance function described by inh_funcdecl to a traversal shader. It works the same way but gets a different argument set that is more powerful. New projects should rely on traversal functions instead of inheritance functions.
hardware is used for internal purposes only. It controls when mental ray will use hardware shaders: never, if available, or always (even if the shading result can only be approximated).
hardware_diagnostic is reserved for future use.
shadowmap_flags is a bitmap of bits 0 (shadowmap merge), and bit 3 (shadowmap only). The other bits must be cleared.
maxdisplace, if set to a value other than zero, overrides the maxdisplace values when approximating a displaced object. This is useful if an old scene without object maxdisplace values must be rendered without truncating all displacement to zero.
shadowmap_bias supplies a shadowmap bias value to all shadowmaps attached to light sources. This is a simple way to switch all of mental ray to biased shadowmaps without modifying all lights.
hwshader is a bitmap of hardware allowed shading modes that mental ray will try in turn until one succeeds:
photonmap_only3.4\, if true, means that only the photon maps and not the camera images are rendered. The default is false.
lightmap3.4 flag controls rendering of lightmaps. The settings are 0 (off), 1 (on), and 2 (only). By default, lightmaps are enabled. If this option is set to 2, only the lightmaps and not the camera images are rendered.
state_func is the tag of the optional state shader that is called at the beginning and end of the lifetime of a state or a primary ray or similar shader call.
fg_presamp_density3.4 controls the density of
initial finalgather points. It increases (decreases if ) the number of finalgather points computed in
the initial stage approximately
rapid_shading_samples3.4 sets the number of shading samples per pixel for the rasterizer (default is 1.0). Only has an effect in conjunction with scanline = 'r'.
fb_virtual3.4 controls whether frame buffers are maintained in memory (false) or memory-mapped to disk (true). The default is true, which allows an arbitrary number of frame buffers or arbitrary size without filling up memory, but for some applications such as fast preview rendering it may be faster to set this flag to false.
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