KFbx Member List

This is the complete list of members for KFbx, including all inherited members.
CheckCRC() KFbx
CheckPassword(const char *pPassword) KFbx
CompressArrays() const KFbx
CompressArrays(bool pCompress) KFbx
CompressLevel() const KFbx
CompressLevel(int pLevel) KFbx
CompressMinimumSize() const KFbx
CompressMinimumSize(int pSize) KFbx
EError enum name KFbx
Fbx7Support() const KFbx
Fbx7Support(bool pSupport) KFbx
FieldGetCount() KFbx
FieldGetInstanceCount(const char *pFieldName) KFbx
FieldGetName(int pFieldIndex) KFbx
FieldRead3D(double *pValue) KFbx
FieldRead3D(const char *pFieldName, double *pValue, const double *pDefault=NULL) KFbx
FieldRead3F(float *pValue) KFbx
FieldRead3F(const char *pFieldName, float *pValue, const float *pDefault=NULL) KFbx
FieldRead4D(double *pValue) KFbx
FieldRead4D(const char *pFieldName, double *pValue, const double *pDefault=NULL) KFbx
FieldRead4F(float *pValue) KFbx
FieldRead4F(const char *pFieldName, float *pValue, const float *pDefault=NULL) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const kByte *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const kShort *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const kUShort *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const unsigned int *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const kULongLong *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const int *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const float *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const double *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const kLongLong *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const bool *) KFbx
FieldReadArray(int &pCount, const kUByte *) KFbx
FieldReadArrayB(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayBytes(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayD(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayF(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayI(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayLL(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArraySBytes(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayShort(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayUI(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayULL(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadArrayUShort(int &pCount) KFbx
FieldReadB() KFbx
FieldReadB(const char *pFieldName, bool pDefault=false) KFbx
FieldReadBegin(int pFieldIndex, int pInstance) KFbx
FieldReadBegin(const char *pFieldName) KFbx
FieldReadBegin(const char *pFieldName, int pInstance) KFbx
FieldReadBlockBegin() KFbx
FieldReadBlockEnd() KFbx
FieldReadByte() KFbx
FieldReadByte(const char *pFieldName, kByte pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadC() KFbx
FieldReadC(const char *pFieldName, const char *pDefault="") KFbx
FieldReadCH() KFbx
FieldReadCH(const char *pFieldName, char pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadD() KFbx
FieldReadD(const char *pFieldName, double pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadDn(double *pValue, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldReadDn(const char *pFieldName, double *pValue, const double *pDefault, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldReadEmbeddedFile(KString &pFileName, KString &pRelativeFileName, const char *pEmbeddedMediaDirectory="", bool *pIsFileCreated=NULL) KFbx [virtual]
FieldReadEnd() KFbx
FieldReadF() KFbx
FieldReadF(const char *pFieldName, float pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadFn(float *pValue, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldReadFn(const char *pFieldName, float *pValue, const float *pDefault, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldReadGetCount() KFbx
FieldReadGetRemain() KFbx
FieldReadGetType() KFbx
FieldReadI() KFbx
FieldReadI(const char *pFieldName, int pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadIsBlock() KFbx
FieldReadLL() KFbx
FieldReadLL(const char *pFieldName, kLongLong pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadR(int *pByteSize) KFbx
FieldReadR(const char *pFieldName, int *pByteSize) KFbx
FieldReadResetPosition() KFbx
FieldReadS() KFbx
FieldReadS(const char *pFieldName, const char *pDefault="") KFbx
FieldReadShort() KFbx
FieldReadShort(const char *pFieldName, kShort pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadT(const char *pFieldName) KFbx
FieldReadT() KFbx
FieldReadTS(const char *pFieldName) KFbx
FieldReadTS() KFbx
FieldReadUByte() KFbx
FieldReadUByte(const char *pFieldName, kUByte pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadUI() KFbx
FieldReadUI(const char *pFieldName, unsigned int pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadULL() KFbx
FieldReadULL(const char *pFieldName, kULongLong pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldReadUShort() KFbx
FieldReadUShort(const char *pFieldName, kUShort pDefault=0) KFbx
FieldWrite3D(const double *pValue) KFbx
FieldWrite3D(const char *pFieldName, const double *pValue) KFbx
FieldWrite3F(const float *pValue) KFbx
FieldWrite3F(const char *pFieldName, const float *pValue) KFbx
FieldWrite4D(const double *pValue) KFbx
FieldWrite4D(const char *pFieldName, const double *pValue) KFbx
FieldWrite4F(const float *pValue) KFbx
FieldWrite4F(const char *pFieldName, const float *pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayB(int n, const bool *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayBytes(int n, const kUByte *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayD(int n, const double *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayF(int n, const float *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayI(int n, const int *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayLL(int n, const kLongLong *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArraySBytes(int n, const kByte *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayShort(int n, const kShort *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayUI(int n, const unsigned int *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayULL(int n, const kULongLong *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteArrayUShort(int n, const kUShort *pValue, int pSize=1, int pStride=0) KFbx
FieldWriteB(bool pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteB(const char *pFieldName, bool pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteBegin(const char *pFieldName) KFbx
FieldWriteBlockBegin() KFbx
FieldWriteBlockBegin(const char *pFileName) KFbx
FieldWriteBlockEnd() KFbx
FieldWriteByte(kByte pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteByte(const char *pFieldName, kByte pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteC(const char *pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteC(const char *pFieldName, const char *pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteCH(char pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteCH(const char *pFieldName, char pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteD(double pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteD(const char *pFieldName, double pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteDn(const double *pValue, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldWriteDn(const char *pFieldName, const double *pValue, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldWriteEmbeddedFile(KString pFileName, KString pRelativeFileName) KFbx
FieldWriteEnd() KFbx
FieldWriteF(float pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteF(const char *pFieldName, float pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteFn(const float *pValue, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldWriteFn(const char *pFieldName, const float *pValue, kUInt pn) KFbx
FieldWriteI(int pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteI(const char *pFieldName, int pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteLL(kLongLong pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteLL(const char *pFieldName, kLongLong pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteObjectBegin(const char *pObjectType, const char *pName, const char *pSubType=NULL) KFbx
FieldWriteObjectEnd() KFbx
FieldWriteObjectReference(const char *pName) KFbx
FieldWriteObjectReference(const char *pFieldName, const char *pName) KFbx
FieldWriteR(const void *pRawData, int pByteSize) KFbx
FieldWriteR(const char *pFieldName, const void *pRawData, int pByteSize) KFbx
FieldWriteS(const char *pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteS(const KString &pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteS(const char *pFieldName, const char *pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteS(const char *pFieldName, const KString &pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteShort(kShort pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteShort(const char *pFieldName, kShort pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteT(KTime pTime) KFbx
FieldWriteT(const char *pFieldName, KTime pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteTS(KTimeSpan pTimeSpan) KFbx
FieldWriteTS(const char *pFieldName, KTimeSpan pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteUByte(kUByte pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteUByte(const char *pFieldName, kUByte pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteUI(unsigned int pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteUI(const char *pFieldName, unsigned int pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteULL(kULongLong pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteULL(const char *pFieldName, kULongLong pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteUShort(kUShort pValue) KFbx
FieldWriteUShort(const char *pFieldName, kUShort pValue) KFbx
GetContainerTemplateDirectory(const char *pTemplateName, bool pCreate) KFbx
GetDataDirectory(bool pAutoCreate=true) KFbx
GetError() KFbx
GetFieldRMaxChunkSize() const KFbx
GetFilename() const KFbx
GetFileVersionNumber() const KFbx
GetFullFilePath(const char *pRelativeFilePath) KFbx
GetFullPath(const char *pRelativePath) KFbx
GetLastErrorID() const KFbx
GetLastErrorString() const KFbx
GetMediaDirectory(bool pCreate=false) KFbx
GetRelativeFilePath(const char *pFilePath) KFbx
GetRelativePath(const char *pPath) KFbx
GetTmpProjectName(const char *pName) KFbx
IsBinary() const KFbx
IsEmbedded() const KFbx
IsEncrypted() const KFbx
IsPasswordProtected() const KFbx
ProjectClose(void **pData=0, kULong *pSize=0) KFbx
ProjectCloseSection() KFbx
ProjectConvertVersionNumber(int pVersion, int &pMajor, int &pMinor, int &pRevision) KFbx [static]
ProjectCreate(void *pAddress, kUInt pSize, KFbxWriter *pWriter, bool pBinary, bool pEncrypted, KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pFileHeaderInfo=NULL) KFbx
ProjectCreate(const char *pName, KFbxWriter *pWriter, bool pBinary, bool pEncrypted, KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pFileHeaderInfo=NULL) KFbx
ProjectCreateDirect(const char *pName, KFbxWriter *pWriter, bool pBinary, bool pEncrypted, KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pFileHeaderInfo=NULL) KFbx
ProjectCreateEmbeddedFolder(const KFbxXRefManager &pXRefManager, KString &pCreatedFolder) KFbx
ProjectCreateEmpty(const char *pName, KFbxWriter *pWriter, int pVersion, bool pBinary, bool pEncrypted) KFbx
ProjectCreateExtensionSection(bool pOverwriteLastExtensionSection=false) KFbx
ProjectGetCurrentSection() KFbx
ProjectGetCurrentSectionMode() KFbx
ProjectGetCurrentSectionVersion() KFbx
ProjectGetExtensionSectionCount() KFbx
ProjectGetSectionVersion(int pSection) KFbx
ProjectGetXRefManager() const KFbx
ProjectOpen(void *pAddress, kULong pMaxLength, KFbxReader *pReader, bool pCheckCRC=false, bool pOpenMainSection=true, KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pFileHeaderInfo=NULL) KFbx
ProjectOpen(const char *pName, KFbxReader *pReader, bool pCheckCRC=false, bool pOpenMainSection=true, KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pFileHeaderInfo=NULL) KFbx
ProjectOpen(KFile *pFile, KFbxReader *pReader, bool pCheckCRC=false, bool pOpenMainSection=true, KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pFileHeaderInfo=NULL) KFbx
ProjectOpenDirect(const char *pName, KFbxReader *pReader, bool pCheckCRC=false, bool pOpenMainSection=true, KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pFileHeaderInfo=NULL) KFbx
ProjectOpenExtensionSection(int pExtensionSectionIndex) KFbx
ProjectOpenMainSection() KFbx
ProjectRemoveLastExtensionSection() KFbx
ProjectSetXRefManager(const KFbxXRefManager *) KFbx
ProjectWrite_BeginExtendedHeader() KFbx
ProjectWrite_BeginFileHeader() KFbx
ProjectWrite_EndExtendedHeader() KFbx
ProjectWrite_EndFileHeader() KFbx
ProjectWrite_WriteExtendedHeader(const KFbxFileHeaderInfo *pExtendedHeader) KFbx
SetEmbedded(bool pValue) KFbx
SwapFromTmpProject(const char *pName, char *pError=NULL) KFbx
WriteComments(const char *pFieldName) KFbx
WritePassword(const char *pPassword) KFbx