Go to: Attributes.

TextureEnv is the base node from which all the 3d environment texture nodes derive. Here you will find all the attributes that are common to all 3d environment textures.

Environment textures are used as a cheap way to simulate the reflections you can get using RayTracing. Connect the Out Color attribute of the Environment texture to the Reflected Color attribute of any specular shader, such as Phong or Blinn. The shader will then appear to reflect the environment texture.

In the table below, important attributes have their names shown in bold in the description column.

This node is abstract

This node is MP safe

Node nameParentsClassificationMFn typeCompatible function sets

Attributes (27)

filterSize, filterSizeX, filterSizeY, filterSizeZ, matrixEyeToWorld, normalCamera, normalCameraX, normalCameraY, normalCameraZ, objectType, outAlpha, outColor, outColorB, outColorG, outColorR, placementMatrix, rayDirection, rayDirectionX, rayDirectionY, rayDirectionZ, uCoord, uvCoord, uvFilterSize, uvFilterSizeX, uvFilterSizeY, vCoord, xPixelAngle

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
objectType (ot) charTrenderableObjectType::kSurfaceoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The type of object this samples belongs to.
placementMatrix (pm) fltMatrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorable
The placement matrix, to transform from world to the texture space
matrixEyeToWorld (e2w) fltMatrixidentityoutputinputconnectablestorablehidden
The transform to go from eye to world space
xPixelAngle (xpa) float0.002053inputconnectablestorablehidden
The pixel angle
normalCamera (n) float30.0, 0.0, 1.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The current sample normal
normalCameraX (nx) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The x component of the normal
normalCameraY (ny) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The y component of the normal
normalCameraZ (nz) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The z component of the normal
rayDirection (r) float30.0, 0.0, 1.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The current incident ray
rayDirectionX (rx) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The x component of the ray
rayDirectionY (ry) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The y component of the ray
rayDirectionZ (rz) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The z component of the ray
uvCoord (uv) float20.0, 0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The UV coords of the current sample point
uCoord (u) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The u component of the current sample position
vCoord (v) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The v component of the current sample position
uvFilterSize (uf) float20.0, 0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The sample (filter) size
uvFilterSizeX (ufx) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The X size of the filter (sample)
uvFilterSizeY (ufy) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The Y size of the filter (sample)
filterSize (fs) float30.0, 0.0, 0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The sample (filter) size
filterSizeX (fsx) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The X size of the filter (sample)
filterSizeY (fsy) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The Y size of the filter (sample)
filterSizeZ (fsz) float0.0outputinputconnectablehidden
The Z size of the filter (sample)
outColor (oc) float30.0, 0.0, 0.0outputconnectable
Out Color. To use this node as an environment map, connect Out Color to the Reflected Color attribute of a specular shader, such as Blinn or PhongE.
outColorR (ocr) float0.0outputconnectable
The R component of the output value
outColorG (ocg) float0.0outputconnectable
The G component of the output value
outColorB (ocb) float0.0outputconnectable
The B component of the output value
outAlpha (oa) float0.0outputconnectable
The standard output value for bump and displacement mapping