//- // ========================================================================== // Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk // license agreement provided at the time of installation or download, // or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic // or hard copy form. // ========================================================================== //+ #ifndef _splitUVFty #define _splitUVFty // // File: splitUVFty.h // // Node Factory: splitUVFty // // Author: Lonnie Li // // Overview: // // The splitUV factory implements the actual splitUV operation. It takes in // only two parameters: // // 1) A polygonal mesh // 2) An array of selected UV Ids // // The algorithm works as follows: // // 1) Parse the mesh for the selected UVs and collect: // // (a) Number of faces sharing each UV // (stored as two arrays: face array, indexing/offset array) // (b) Associated vertex Id // // 2) Create (N-1) new UVIds for each selected UV, where N represents the number of faces // sharing the UV. // // 3) Set each of the new UVs to the same 2D location on the UVmap. // // 3) Arbitrarily let the last face in the list of faces sharing this UV to keep the original // UV. // // 4) Assign each other face one of the new UVIds. // // #include "polyModifierFty.h" // General Includes // #include <maya/MObject.h> #include <maya/MIntArray.h> #include <maya/MString.h> class splitUVFty : public polyModifierFty { public: splitUVFty(); virtual ~splitUVFty(); void setMesh( MObject mesh ); void setUVIds( MIntArray uvIds ); // polyModifierFty inherited methods // MStatus doIt(); private: // Mesh Node - Note: We only make use of this MObject during a single call of // the splitUV plugin. It is never maintained and used between // calls to the plugin as the MObject handle could be invalidated // between calls to the plugin. // MObject fMesh; // Selected UVs // MIntArray fSelUVs; }; #endif
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