Welcome to Autodesk 3ds Max® Design 2011 Tutorials
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3ds Max Design
3ds Max Design
New tutorials:

Tutorials updated to demonstrate new features:


Introduction to 3D

Are you new to creating 3D models and animation on the computer?
If so, follow this link to learn how to proceed.


Would you like to know how to take advantage of the many powerful
modeling techniques in 3ds Max Design? Use these tutorials to learn a
variety of methods for creating the exact 3D models you have in mind.


Want to make your scenes move? With the many animation methods
available in 3ds Max Design, you can. These tutorials will get you going.

Materials and Mapping 

Want to master materials? These tutorials help you use textures
to bring expression and beauty to your scenes.


Learn how to place and manage lights and sunlight.


Additional aspects of rendering include using Depth-of-Field and
using particles or proxies to reduce the render time of a complex scene.

Interoperability Tutorials 

These tutorials give you practice with incorporating
3ds Max Design with other 3D and CAD applications.

Please note: You can find tutorials from previous releases of 3ds Max Design here. Also, you can find a mental ray tutorial on subsurface scattering for realistic skin effects here.

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