ShaderArrayParamDef.ItemDef operator


v9.0 (2011)




注: このメソッドは Python で無効なオブジェクトを戻す可能性があります。代わりに ShaderArrayParamDef.ItemDef2 を使用してください。


// get accessor

ShaderParamDef rtn = ShaderArrayParamDef.ItemDef;

Python の例


# This example goes through the list of shader definitions in Softimage, 

# looks for arrays of structures and prints the parameter names as well

# as the ProgID of the owning shader definition


from win32com.client import constants as si

app = Application

app.NewScene("", 0)

for shaderdef in app.ShaderDefinitions :

	for paramdef in shaderdef.InputParamDefs.Definitions :

		if paramdef.IsArray :

			underlying = paramdef.ItemDef2

			if underlying.IsStructure :

				app.LogMessage("Found an array of structures for %s in %s" 

					% (paramdef.Name, shaderdef.ProgID))

# Expected results:

# INFO : Found an array of structures for lights in Softimage.material-phong.1.0

# INFO : Found an array of structures for Lights in Softimage.Bionic_Volume_vol.1.0

# INFO : Found an array of structures for lights in Softimage.material-lambert.1.0

# INFO : Found an array of structures for scatter_lights_input in Softimage.March_Fractal_vol.1.0

# INFO : Found an array of structures for shadow_lights_input in Softimage.March_Fractal_vol.1.0

# INFO : Found an array of structures for trans_model in Softimage.March_Fractal_vol.1.0

