This example contains a Python and a C++ implementation of the grid data.
Running the Example
To install the example
To view the help page for an example
- Do one of the following:
- In the Plug-in Tree, expand the SDK examples workgroup, right-click the example add-on and then click Help.
Open a Net View and click
to go to Softimage Net local. In the top navigation bar, click add-ons, and then click the SDK example add-on.
To run the example
Load an existing scene containing 3D objects and materials. Then, execute either the "GDE_Create3DOGrid" command (Python example) or the "GDE_CreateCPPGrid" command (CPP example). The grid data will be displayed
Python Example ("GridDataExample.py")
Once the plug-in is loaded, executing the "GDE_Create3DOGrid" command will
create a new Custom Property called "GDE_3DOGrid", in which a grid data
parameter called "Data" will be created.
The grid data will contain one row per 3DObject in the scene, and the
following is implemented in the Python plug-in:
- 3DObject rows are using a green background color
- Model rows are using a blue background color
- Selecting a cell in the "Object" color will select the object in the scene
- A refresh button can be pushed to synchronize changes from the scene to the grid data
- A dump button to log the contents of the grid data in the script log
- A contextual menu allows setting the read-only flags on selected cells
Details about the different columns in the example:
- Uses the siColumnStandard column type
- Lists the object names
- Selecting the cell changes the scene selection
- The plug-in blocks value changes for this column, using the return value in "OnBeginValueChange"
- Uses the siColumnInt column type
- Lists the object IDs
- The plug-in blocks selection for this column, using the return value in "OnBeginSelectionChange"
- Uses the siColumnBool column type
- Clicking on the checkmark will hide/show the object
- Uses the siColumnColor column type
- Clicking on the cell will let the user choose a wireframe display color for the object
- Uses the siColumnImageClip column type
- Double-clicking will inspect the associated imageclip in a PPG
- A contextual menu lets the user select an image file
- Uses the siColumnShaderBall column type
- Double-clicking will inspect the associated material in the render tree
- A contextual menu lets the user pick a material in the scene
Set Uni. Scl.
- Uses the siColumnFloat column type
- Editing the value will force uniform local scaling values for the object
- Uses the siColumnVector column type
- Editing the value will set the local translation values for the object
Static Selection
- Uses the siColumnCombo column type
- Will affect the Selected/Static parameter under the Display property for the object
- Uses the siColumnButton column type
- Will delete the object from the scene once pushed
- Uses the siColumnFile column type
- Double-clicking will launch a file browser that allows setting the file
- Uses the siColumnMultiLine column type
CPP Example ("GridDataExampleCPP.cpp")
Once the plug-in is loaded, executing the "GDE_CreateCPPGrid" command will
create a new Custom Property called "GDE_CPPGrid", in which a grid data
parameter called "Data" will be created.
The grid data contains 5 rows. The last row ("Sum") will sum all the data,
per column, when possible.
The last row ("Sum") is not editable.
The custom property also displays a dump button to log the contents of the grid
data in the script log
The column headers show what column types are used for the column. Here is
additional details about some of the columns:
- The assigned images are taken from the scene that is loaded at the time the "GDE_CreateCPPGrid" command was executed
- Pressing the button will assign the color in the "siColumnColor" colum as the background color for the whole row
- The assigned materials are taken from the scene that is loaded at the time the "GDE_CreateCPPGrid" command was executed.
This example uses the following keywords:
Python example, CPP example, GridData, self-installed plug-in