Randomize Color by Gradient


Randomizes a color or a channel using the gradient value.

Category: Color

Output Ports: out


Controls the position of markers on the gradient:

  • Color Markers — If a color marker is selected, the Pos value indicates its position, on a scale of 0.00-1.00, within the entire gradient.
  • Interpolation Markers — If an interpolation marker is selected, the Pos value indicates its position, on a scale of 0.00-1.00, between its associated pair of color markers.


Switches between linear and cubic interpolation of the gradient. Cubic interpolation results in a smoother transition between gradient colors, while linear interpolation results in sharper transitions.


Turn on to generate a new set of random numbers at each frame. Otherwise, the same numbers are always returned when the current time changes.


Defines the sequence of random numbers used. If you require that two nodes generate different sets of values with the same parameters, then assign them different seeds.

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