


1 つの項目をコレクションに追加します。このメソッドを、XSICollection.AddItems(一度に 1 つまたは複数の項目を追加)や XSICollection.SetAsText(全項目を文字列リストに追加)と比較してください。


XSICollection.Add( Object in_newVal );


XSICollection.Add( Item );


パラメータ タイプ 説明
Item CollectionItemProjectItem または String の種類の 1 つ 追加される新しい項目。一般的なオブジェクト(CollectionItem)、特定のタイプのオブジェクト(ProjectItem)、または Object Name(文字列表現)を指定できます。

VBScript の例

Dim oColl		' object pointer for collection

Dim oMember		' object pointer for members

Dim oNull		' object pointer for null object

Dim oCollItem	' object pointer for collection item

Dim sLightName	' string variable for the camera name 

' Create the stuff we will populate the collection with

Set oNull = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull	

checkType oNull			' = project item

Set oCollItem = CreateObject( "XSI.CollectionItem" )

oCollItem.Value = "Camera"		

checkType oCollItem			' = collection item

sLightName = "light*"			

checkType sLightName			' = string expression

' Create the new collection

Set oColl = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )

' Add each item

oColl.Add oNull

oColl.Add oCollItem

oColl.Add sLightName

' What do we have now?

LogMessage "----------------"

For Each oMember In oColl

	checkType oMember



function checkType( in_object )

	LogMessage in_object & " is a " & TypeName( in_object )

end function


' Output of above script:

'INFO : "null is a Null"

'INFO : "Camera is a CollectionItem"

'INFO : "light* is a String"

'INFO : "----------------"

'INFO : "null is a Null"

'INFO : "Camera is a Camera"

'INFO : "light is a Light"


XSICollection.GetAsText XSICollection.AddItems XSICollection.Remove