



[Time Control]プロパティエディタでは、ソースクリッピングの下の[一般]タブ上に現れます。


// get accessor

Double rtn = TimeControl.ClipOut;

JScript の例


	This example illustrates how to use the time control to clip the source.


NewScene( null, false );

var oRoot = Application.ActiveSceneRoot;

var oNull = oRoot.AddNull( "myNull");

SelectObj("myNull", "", 1);

var oPosX = oNull.Parameters("Posx");

// Create and connect an function curve to the position x

var oFCurve = oPosX.AddFCurve2([1, 5, 50, 0, 100, 5], siUnknownFCurve);

// This value should be 5

SetValue("PlayControl.Current", 100);

LogMessage("The animated value at frame 100 is " + oPosX.Value);

// Create the animation source

SetValue("PlayControl.Current", 1);

var oSource = StoreAction(oRoot,"myNull.kine.local.posx",2,"StoredFcvPose", 1, 1, 100, 0,0);

// Create the first clip

var oClip = AddClip(oRoot, oSource);

oTimeControl = oClip.TimeControl;

oTimeControl.Parameters("extrapaft_type").Value = siTimeControlExtrapolationHold;

oTimeControl.Parameters("extrapaft_timehold").Value = 55;

oTimeControl.Parameters("ClipOut").Value = 50;

SetValue("PlayControl.Current", 100);

LogMessage("The clip in value is " + oTimeControl.ClipOut)

// Now the value should be 0.

LogMessage("The value after the clip manipulation is " + Selection(0).Parameters("Posx").Value);

// Expected results:

//INFO : The animated value at frame 100 is 5

//INFO : The clip in value is 50

//INFO : The value after the clip manipulation is 0