




この変換の値の SIMatrix4 表現を設定したり、戻したりします(行列は自動的に作成されます)。


// get accessor

SIMatrix4 rtn = ISITransformation.Matrix4;

// set accessor

ISITransformation.Matrix4 = SIMatrix4;

JScript の例


	This example demonstrates how to use the Matrix4 property to return the matrix representation 

	of the transformation as an SIMatrix4 (without having to explicitly create it first) as well as 

	how to set new values for the transformation using a 4x4 matrix.


var t1 = XSIMath.CreateTransform();

// The Matrix4 property takes care of creating oMat4 as an SIMatrix4 of the transformation

var oMat4 = t1.Matrix4;

// Now set some values on the matrix and then save it back onto the transformation

oMat4.Set(4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

t1.Matrix4 = oMat4;

// Get a new matrix

var oMat4Dest = t1.Matrix4;

vbArr = new VBArray( oMat4Dest.Get2() );

jsArr = vbArr.toArray();

// Display Matrix

var lineSize = 4;

Application.LogMessage( "The 16 matrix values" );

for ( i=0; i<lineSize; i++ ) {

	var mgsString  = "";

	for ( j=0; j<lineSize; j++ ) {

		mgsString += "m" + i + "" + j + " " + jsArr[ i*lineSize + j ] + "  ";


	Application.LogMessage ( mgsString );


// Expected results:

//INFO : The 16 matrix values

//INFO : m00 4  m01 0  m02 0  m03 0  

//INFO : m10 0  m11 3  m12 0  m13 0  

//INFO : m20 0  m21 0  m22 2  m23 0  

//INFO : m30 0  m31 0  m32 0  m33 1


SITransformation.GetMatrix4 SITransformation.SetMatrix4