
PPGLayout.AddButton operator




ボタンをレイアウトに追加します。その他のコントロールと異なり、ボタンはインスペクト対象オブジェクトの特定の Parameter に関連付ける必要はありません。ボタンの用途は基本的に、押したときに何らかのスクリプトコードが実行されるというものです。

デフォルトでは、ボタンの幅はラベルのテキストに応じて自動的に決定されます。ただし、siUICX 属性を使用してデフォルトの設定を変更できます(PPGItem.SetAttribute を参照)。


PPGItem PPGLayout.AddButton( String in_ScriptName, String in_opt_Label );


oReturn = PPGLayout.AddButton( ScriptName, [Label] );




パラメータ タイプ 説明
ScriptName String ボタンの名前。ユニークな名前でなければならないほか、名前にスペースは使用できません。この名前は、ボタンを押したときに呼び出すロジックサブルーチンの決定に使用されます。
Label String ボタンのラベル。指定されない場合には、スクリプト名が表示されます。

1. JScript の例


	This example creates a custom property with a single parameter called "Data" and a button.

	Each time you click the button the value is randomized


var oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "ButtonExample" ) ;

oPSet.AddParameter3( "Data", siDouble, 0, 0, 1 ) ;

var oLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout

oLayout.AddRow() ;

oLayout.AddItem( "Data" ) ;

oLayout.AddButton( "Randomize" ) ;

oLayout.EndRow() ;

oLayout.Logic = Randomize_OnClicked.toString() ;

oLayout.Language = "JScript" ;

InspectObj( oPSet ) ;

function Randomize_OnClicked()


	PPG.Data.Value = Math.random() ;


2. VBScript の例


' This example creates a custom property with a single parameter called "Data" and a button.

' Each time you click the button the value is randomized


set oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "ButtonExample" )

oPSet.AddParameter3 "Data", siDouble, 0, 0, 1

set oLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout


oLayout.AddItem "Data"

oLayout.AddButton "Randomize"


'Store a little VBScript code to react to the button press.

'If this code was more sophisticated we could read it out

'of a file

oLayout.Logic = "sub Randomize_OnClicked"   & vbCrlf & "   PPG.Data.Value = Rnd" & vbCrlf & "end sub"

oLayout.Language = "VBScript" 'Optional because this is the default

InspectObj oPSet

3. JScript の例


	Example showing how to disable a button

	Often certain buttons should be disabled if they don't apply in the current context.

	In this case a button is only enabled if there is text entered in a edit box.  The 

	button gets enabled and disabled by the SomeText_OnChanged() callback.  This callback

	is not called as characters are actually entered in the text box, but as soon as that 

	edit box loses focus (for example if the tab key is pressed )


var oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "ButtonExample" ) ;

oPSet.AddParameter3( "SomeText", siString ) ;

var oLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout

oLayout.AddRow() ;

oLayout.AddItem( "SomeText" ) ;

var oItem = oLayout.AddButton( "ClickMe", "Click Me" ) ;

// Set a PPGItem attribute to disable the control

// (because initially there is no text inside SomeText)

oItem.SetAttribute( "buttondisable", true ) ;

oLayout.EndRow() ;

oLayout.Logic = SomeText_OnChanged.toString() + ClickMe_OnClicked.toString() ;

oLayout.Language = "JScript" ;

InspectObj( oPSet ) ;

// PPG Logic that is provided to the PPG

function SomeText_OnChanged()


	// Button will be disabled until some text is entered

	bDisableButton = ( PPG.SomeText.Value.length == 0 ) ;	

	// Get the layout

	oPPGLayout = PPG.PPGLayout ;

	// Lookup the PPGItem associated with the button

	oPPGItem = oPPGLayout.Item( "ClickMe" ) ;			

	bAlreadyDisabled = oPPGItem.GetAttribute( "buttondisable" ) ;

	if ( bDisableButton != bAlreadyDisabled )


		oPPGItem.SetAttribute( "buttondisable", bDisableButton ) ;	

		// We only call refresh if we determine the state has

		// actually changed		

		PPG.Refresh() ;



function ClickMe_OnClicked()


	// Will never be called if the SomeText is empty

	XSIUIToolkit.MsgBox( "Value of text is " +  PPG.SomeText.Value ) ;



PPGLayout.AddItem PPGItem.Label PPGItem.Name PPG PPGLayout.Logic