




// get accessor

GroupCollection rtn = Model.Groups;

VBScript の例



'	This example demonstrates how to find groups under the

'	scene root or under a specific model given the 

'	following structure:


'        Scene_Root                        Model    Group

'            + RootGroup                              *

'            + ChildModel                    *

'                + ChildGroup                         *

'            + AnotherChildModel             *

'                + AnotherChildGroup                  *

'                + GrandChildModel           *

'                    + GrandChildGroup                *

'                                          =====    =====

'                                            3        4


'	NB: The Model.Groups property has a limitation of only 

'		getting the immediate children of that model 

'		(whereas you can get every all models in all 

'		generations with the X3DObject.Models property).






NewScene , false

' Set up a scene with 4 objects

set oRoot = ActiveSceneRoot

set oMbr1 = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Disc", "MeshSurface" )

set oMbr2 = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Torus", "MeshSurface" )

set oMbr3 = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

set oMbr4 = oRoot.AddNull()

' Create a group under the root 

oRoot.AddGroup oMbr1, "RootGroup"

' Create a new model and another group under the new model 

set oMdl = oRoot.AddModel( oMbr2, "ChildModel" )

oMdl.AddGroup oMbr2, "ChildGroup" 

' Add another model to the root 

set oMdl = oRoot.AddModel( oMbr3, "AnotherChildModel" )

oMdl.AddGroup oMbr3, "AnotherChildGroup"

' Nest yet another model under the second child model

set oMdl = oMdl.AddModel( oMbr4, "GrandChildModel" )

oMdl.AddGroup oMbr4, "GrandChildGroup"





' Find all groups under the scene root

LogMessage "******** GROUPS UNDER " & oRoot.Name & " ********"

FindGroupsUnderModel oRoot

' Find all groups under 'AnotherChildModel' 

LogMessage "******** GROUPS UNDER " & oMdl.Name & " ********"

FindGroupsUnderModel oMdl 

' Now find all groups in the scene

RecursiveGroupSearch oRoot





'INFO : "******** GROUPS UNDER Scene_Root ********"

'INFO : "RootGroup contains these members:"

'INFO : "	disc"

'INFO : "******** GROUPS UNDER GrandChildModel ********"

'INFO : "GrandChildModel.GrandChildGroup contains these members:"

'INFO : "	null"


'INFO : "# of models under the root: 3"

'INFO : "RootGroup contains these members:"

'INFO : "	disc"

'INFO : "ChildModel.ChildGroup contains these members:"

'INFO : "	torus"

'INFO : "AnotherChildModel.AnotherChildGroup contains these members:"

'INFO : "	sphere"

'INFO : "GrandChildModel.GrandChildGroup contains these members:"

'INFO : "	null"





' Finds all groups under a specific model (not recursive)

function FindGroupsUnderModel( in_model )

	' Find all groups under the specified model

	set oGrps = in_model.Groups

	for each g in oGrps 

		LogMessage g.FullName & " contains these members:"

		for each m in g.Members

			LogMessage vbTab & m.Name



end function


' Finds all groups under a specific model (recursive). Since

' we can get every model recursively (except the one we 

' started with) start with listing the groups under the 

' current model and then get the groups for each model under

' it, calling FindGroupsUnderModel for each one.

function RecursiveGroupSearch( in_model )

	LogMessage "******** FINDING ALL GROUPS IN THE SCENE ********"

	LogMessage "# of models under the root: " & in_model.Models.Count

	' First print out the groups info for the current model

	FindGroupsUnderModel in_model

	' Then iterate over every model contained inside the

	' current model, printing the groups info for each one

	for each mdl in in_model.Models

		FindGroupsUnderModel mdl


end function