


Envelope のインデックスとその関連頂点のインデックス間のマッピングにアクセスできるようにする ClusterElementCollection を戻します。一部のクラスタにEnvelope を適用する場合は、このプロパティが重要となります。このコマンドは、Envelope を適用するクラスタにある Cluster.Elements を呼び出す操作に相当します。


// get accessor

ClusterElementCollection Envelope.get_Elements( Object );


パラメータ タイプ 説明
Time Double プロパティを取得する時間(フレーム)


VBScript の例

'vbscript example that demonstrates how Envelope indices are mapped

'to indices of the points on the Geometry via the Envelope.Elements property

newscene ,false

set oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )

'Create a cluster that only contains some of the points.

'These are the only points that will be inflenced by the skeleton

set oCluster = oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( _

				siVertexCluster, "MyFrontPoints", Array( 5,10,12 ) ) 

'Create the skeleton

set oChainRoot = ActiveSceneRoot.Add3DChain

set oEnvelope = oCluster.ApplyEnvelope( oChainRoot, siBranch )

aWeights = oEnvelope.Weights.Array

for iElement=lbound(aWeights,2) to ubound(aWeights,2)

	'Calculate the index of the point that corresponds to this

	'index in the cluster	

	iVertex = oEnvelope.Elements.Item( iElement ) 

	logmessage "Envelope Weight " & iElement & _ 

		     " refers to point " & iVertex & " on the Geometry"


'Output of this script is:

'INFO : "Envelope Weight 0 refers to point 5 on the Geometry"

'INFO : "Envelope Weight 1 refers to point 10 on the Geometry"

'INFO : "Envelope Weight 2 refers to point 12 on the Geometry"