




// get accessor

Boolean rtn = Command.Enabled;

// set accessor

Command.Enabled = Boolean;

JScript の例


	Example showing how custom commands

	can be defined and added to custom menus inside a

	self installed plug-in.

	Adds two entries to the "Window" menu 

	The first item is greyed out

	The second item allows you to enable or disable the first item. 


function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )


	// Called on startup of Softimage to defined

	// what is contained in the script.  (We could potentially

	// implement many PluginItems in the same script)

	in_reg.Author = "Softimage SDK Team" ;

	in_reg.Name = "SDK Example - Enabled Command" ;

	in_reg.Major = 1 ;

	in_reg.Minor = 1 ;

	in_reg.RegisterMenu( siMenuMainWindowID, "DemoMenu", false ) ;

	in_reg.RegisterCommand( "DemoDisabled", "DemoDisabled" );

	in_reg.RegisterCommand( "EnableDemoDisabled", "EnableDemoDisabled" );

	return true ;


function DemoMenu_Init( in_oCtxt )


	var menu = in_oCtxt.Source

	menu.Name = "&Custom Deform" ;

	menu.AddCommandItem( "&Demo Disabled", "DemoDisabled" ) ;

	menu.AddCommandItem( "&Toggle Demo Disabled", "EnableDemoDisabled" ) ;


function DemoDisabled_Init(in_oCtxt)


	var cmd = in_oCtxt.Source ;

	cmd.Enabled = false ;

	cmd.ReturnValue = false ;


function DemoDisabled_Execute()


	LogMessage( "Thanks for enabling me finally" ) ;


function EnableDemoDisabled_Init(in_oCtxt)


	var cmd = in_oCtxt.Source ;

	cmd.Enabled = true ;

	cmd.ReturnValue = false ;


function EnableDemoDisabled_Execute()


	var cmd = Application.Commands( "DemoDisabled" ) ;

	// Toggle the enabled bit

	if ( cmd.Enabled )

		cmd.Enabled = false ;


		cmd.Enabled = true ;

	// Update the definition

	cmd.Update() ;
