











JScript の例


	This example illustrates how to use the Reload method on an ActionSource


NewScene( null, false );

var oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root;

// Create a new model and add a null under it

var oModel = oRoot.AddModel();

oModel.Parameters("Name").Value = "ActionModel";

var oNull = oModel.AddNull();

// These commands were cut-and-pasted from scripting history and modified to work in a

// script. They create a simple actionsource from animation on the null's position

strPosParams = oNull + ".kine.local.posx," + oNull + ".kine.local.posy," + oNull + ".kine.local.posz";

Translate( oNull, -8.153, 7.015, -0.702, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ );

SaveKey( strPosParams, 1.000 );

Translate( oNull, 8.350, -8.935, 0.894, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ );

SaveKey( strPosParams, 50.000 );

Translate( oNull, 9.413, 8.935, -0.894, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ );

SaveKey( strPosParams, 100.000 );

// Create a new ActionSource based on the null's translation

var oActionSource = oModel.AddActionSource( "MyActionSource" );

// Use the fcurves on the null object to create the actionsource items

var oPosx = oNull.Posx;

var oPosy = oNull.Posy;

var oPosz = oNull.Posz;

oActionSource.AddSourceItem( GetRelativeName(oPosx), oPosx.Source );

oActionSource.AddSourceItem( GetRelativeName(oPosy), oPosy.Source );

oActionSource.AddSourceItem( GetRelativeName(oPosz), oPosz.Source );

// Set the action storage to external (text)

oActionSource.Parameters( "storage" ).Value = 2; 	// equivalent to: SetValue( oActionSource + ".storage", 2 );

// Add a clip for the source

AddClip( oModel, oActionSource, "", "", 16, "", "", "", false );

// Save the scene, in order to save the action externally

var sSavePath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath(siProjectPath), "Scenes", "ASTestScene.scn" );

SaveSceneAs( sSavePath, true );

// So, calling Reload on the source will disconnect the source, reload the action and reconnect the source.



	GetRelativeName removes the name of the model from the FullName 

	of the specified parameter. This is necessary when setting up a source 

	that will later be used to instantiate a clip when the parameter lives 

	under a model other than the Scene_Root.


function GetRelativeName( in_param )


	var mdlname = in_param.Model.FullName;

	if ( mdlname == "Scene_Root" ) {

		return in_param.FullName;

	} else {

		var tmp = in_param.FullName;

		var re = new RegExp( mdlname + ".", "i" );

		return tmp.replace( re, "" );


