' Create a cone, a cube and a sphere.
CreatePrim "Cone", "MeshSurface"
CreatePrim "Cube", "MeshSurface"
CreatePrim "Sphere", "MeshSurface"
' Select the cube and the sphere.
SelectObj "cube,sphere"
' Create a new layer and make it the current one.
CreateLayer , "MyLayer"
' As can be seen when showing Layers in the Explorer, the cube and the sphere
' were automatically put in MyLayer since they were selected.
' Toggle the view and the render visibilities of MyLayer in the viewports.
ToggleCurrentLayerProperty "viewvis,rendvis"
' The cube and the sphere are no longer visible in the viewports
' even if a render region is opened.
' Create a cylinder.
CreatePrim "Cylinder", "NurbsSurface"
' The cylinder is assigned to the current layer MyLayer and is affected
' by the layer attributes which make it non visible in this example. |