



レンダ パスは、シーンの画像レイヤを作成します。作成したレイヤを他のパスと合成し、完全なイメージを作成できます。


SetCurrentPass( Value );


パラメータ タイプ 説明
Value 文字列 現在のパスに設定するパス。

デフォルト値: 選択されたパス

VBScript の例


'	This example demonstrates how to set the current pass. It also 

'	shows how to get a collection of all passes in the scene.


' Create a new scene 

NewScene , false

' Create a few dummy passes to play with

CreatePass , "Sneezy"

CreatePass , "Grumpy"

CreatePass , "Wimpy"

' Which one is the current pass and what type of object is it?

Set oPass = GetCurrentPass 

Application.LogMessage oPass.Name & " is the current pass."

' Get the collection of all passes in the scene

Set oPassList = CreateObject( "XSI.Collection" )

oPassList.SetAsText "Passes.*"

' Loop through the collection to get the one named "Sneezy"

For Each p In oPassList

	If p.Name = "Sneezy" Then

		Set oNewPass = p

		Exit For

	End If


' Change the current pass to Sneezy

SetCurrentPass oNewPass 

' Which one is the current pass and what type of object is it?

Set oPass = GetCurrentPass 

Application.LogMessage oPass.Name & " is the current pass."

' Output of above script:

'INFO : "Wimpy is the current pass."


'INFO : "Sneezy is the current pass."


CreatePass GetCurrentPass DeleteCurrentPass