




一時的なパラメータ値を削除し、シーンを新しく更新します。たとえば、アニメーション F カーブをオブジェクトの位置に適用し、新しいキーを設定せずにその位置を変更する場合は、このコマンドを実行することにより新しい一時パラメータ値を前の値にリセットできます。以下の例を参照してください。

このコマンドは、シーンの 3D ビューをすべて書き換える Refresh コマンドとは異なります。



VBScript の例


' This example sets up an animation fcurve on a null, then sets a temporary value 

' on one of the animated parameters, and shows how to remove that temporary value

' using the SceneRefresh command.


NewScene , false

' Create a null and store the parameter list we will use to set keys. 


' Note: We are using a combination of Softimage commands and the object model

' here. For example, we are using the OM shortcut oNull.posx in the

' SetValue and SaveKey commands.


Set oNull = ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull()

sParams = oNull.posx & "," & oNull.posy & "," & oNull.posz

' Move the null along the negative X-axis and save a key for frame 1

Translate oNull, -6.07766990291262, -2.37887869051207E-18, _

	3.88513203951106E-02, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ

SaveKey sParams, 1

' Set a key for frame 90 towards the positive X-axis

SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 90

SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 90

Translate oNull, 14.2301617773766, -0.743180286278171, _

	7.43180286278171E-02, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ

SaveKey sParams, 90

' Go to frame 30 and display the posx value for that frame. 

SetValue "PlayControl.Key", 30

SetValue "PlayControl.Current", 30

Application.LogMessage GetValue( oNull.posx )	'INFO : "-2.52968225317525"

' Set a temporary value on posx

SetValue oNull.posx, 2

' Redisplay the value after setting the posx value but before the scene refresh.

Application.LogMessage GetValue( oNull.posx )	'INFO : "2"

' Remove all temporary values


' Now display the value from the fcurve again after the scene refresh

Application.LogMessage GetValue( oNull.posx )	'INFO : "-2.52968225317525"

