




リファレンス Model から解像度を削除します。 リファレンス モデルには、解像度を無制限に設定できます。 各解像度には、名前とファイルがあります。

警告: 有効な解像度を削除しようとすると、「Invalid Argument」エラーが発生します。 リファレンス モデルの[有効解像度]パラメータを介して、別の解像度を有効にすることができます。


RemoveRefModelResolution( Model, ResolutionName, [Confirm] );


パラメータ タイプ 説明
Model 文字列 削除する解像度を含むモデル。

デフォルト値: 現在選択されている値

ResolutionName 文字列 解像度の名前。
Confirm Boolean この引数は、解像度の処理を続行する前にユーザが確認メッセージを受け取るかどうかを示します。 この引数は、スクリプトを停止させないようにスクリプトを作成する場合に便利です。

デフォルト値: False

VBScript の例


'	This example illustrates how to add and remove resolutions on a reference model. It also demonstrates

'	how to navigate through the resolution information on a reference model (see the convenience functions

'	at the bottom of the example, especially GetAllResolutions).


' Import a referenced model.

NewScene , false

sModelPath =  XSIUtils.BuildPath( Application.InstallationPath(siFactoryPath), _

	"Data", "XSI_SAMPLES", "Models", "ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl" )

ImportModel sModelPath, , true 

' Add a new resolution

set oRefModel = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.Models.Item(0)

AddRefModelResolution oRefModel, "MyRes", sModelPath

' Now remove the original resolution

iTargetRes = GetResolutionIndexByName( oRefModel, "res1" )

if iTargetRes > -1 then

	iCurrentRes = oRefModel.NestedObjects("Active Resolution").Value

	if iCurrentRes = iTargetRes then

		' Change the active resolution to the new one and remove the original

		oRefModel.NestedObjects("Active Resolution").Value = iTargetRes + 1

		RemoveRefModelResolution oRefModel, "res1", true 

	end if

	' Display again the resolutions

	LogResolutions oRefModel 

end if

' Expected results:

' INFO : res0

' INFO :     file =  

' INFO :     name =  Offloaded

' INFO : res1

' INFO :     file =  Models\ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl

' INFO :     name =  res1

' INFO : res2

' INFO :     file =  Models\ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl

' INFO :     name =  MyRes

' INFO : res0

' INFO :     file =  

' INFO :     name =  Offloaded

' INFO : res1

' INFO :     file =  Models\ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl

' INFO :     name =  MyRes


'	These are convenience functions that do most of the work of navigating through

'	the resolutions information nested under each reference model. The resolutions 

'	info is never displayed in the UI, but you can think of its structure like so:


'		ReferenceModel (model)

'			- Resolutions (special container)

'				- res0 (compound parameter)

'					- File parameter (eg., "<installationpath>/Data/XSI_SAMPLES/Models/ManSkeleton_Basic.emdl")

'					- Name parameter (eg., "MyRes")

'				+ res1

'				  ...

'				+ resN


'	In order to access this info you need to use the SIObject.NestedObjects property

'	on the ReferenceModel, the Resolutions container, and then each resolution parameter.


function GetAllResolutions( in_oRefModel )

	for each oCurrentContainer in in_oRefModel.NestedObjects

		if oCurrentContainer.Name = "Resolutions" then

			set GetAllResolutions = oCurrentContainer.NestedObjects

			exit function

		end if


end function


'	Logs the file and name values of each resolution to history


sub LogResolutions( in_oRefModel )

	' Visit each resolution and find its name and file info

	set oResolutions = GetAllResolutions( in_oRefModel )

	for each oResolutionParameter in oResolutions 

		Application.LogMessage oResolutionParameter.Name 

		' The file and name parameters are nested under the compound resolution parameter

		for each oResInfoParam in oResolutionParameter.NestedObjects

			Application.LogMessage "    " & oResInfoParam.Name & " =  " & oResInfoParam.Value 



end sub


'	Returns the index number of the resolution given its name


function GetResolutionIndexByName( in_oModel, in_sResName )

	' Visit each resolution and check its name against the specified name

	set oResolutions = GetAllResolutions( in_oModel )

	for i=0 to oResolutions.Count

		set oResolutionParameter = oResolutions(i)

		if oResolutionParameter.NestedObjects("name").Value = in_sResName then

			GetResolutionIndexByName = i

			exit function

		end if


	' If not found, return a negative value

	GetResolutionIndexByName = -1

end function

