




Crosswalk ファイル(.xsi、.xsiml、または Collada)を読み込みます。 このコマンドは、以前の ImportFTK に相当します。


ImportCrosswalk( ppg, parent );


パラメータ タイプ 説明
ppg 文字列 読み込みオプションを指定する ImportCrosswalkOptions プロパティのスクリプト名。 このプロパティを作成するには、CreateImportCrosswalkOptions コマンドを使用します。
parent 文字列 読み込まれた項目の親になるモデルまたはオブジェクト。

VBScript の例


' This example shows how to import/export a dotXSI file


NewScene , false

' Create something to export

CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface" 

' Create the export options property

set myEProp = CreateExportCrosswalkOptions( "Scene_Root", "MyExportCrosswalkOptions" )

' Specify the full path to the file you want to export

myEProp.Parameters("Filename").Value = "C:\\temp.xsi"

' Export the file

ExportCrosswalk myEProp.Name 

' Create the import options property

set myIProp = CreateImportCrosswalkOptions( "Scene_Root", "MyImportCrosswalkOptions" )

' Specify the full path to the file you want to import

myIProp.Parameters("Filename").Value = "C:\\temp.xsi"

' Import the file

ImportCrosswalk myIProp.Name 

' Expected results:

' INFO : 13 mSec - cumulative: 13 mSec

' INFO : Set version

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 24 mSec

' INFO : Converting scene info

' INFO : 6 mSec - cumulative: 32 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 41 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment animations

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 45 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clips

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 48 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clip animations

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 51 mSec

' INFO : Converting materials

' INFO : 22 mSec - cumulative: 75 mSec

' INFO : Converting material animations

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 84 mSec

' INFO : Filtering pass

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 87 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchy - first pass

' INFO : 105 mSec - cumulative: 195 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchy - second pass

' INFO : 3 mSec - cumulative: 201 mSec

' INFO : Plotting animations

' INFO : Plotting fcurves (1-3/3)

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 210 mSec

' INFO : Writing file

' INFO : Parser recognizes a dotXSI file

' INFO : 4 mSec - cumulative: 216 mSec

' INFO : Export completed

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 0 mSec

' INFO : Reading file

' INFO : Parser recognizes a dotXSI file

' INFO : 19 mSec - cumulative: 87 mSec

' INFO : Converting scene info

' INFO : 8 mSec - cumulative: 100 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment

' INFO : 5 mSec - cumulative: 111 mSec

' INFO : Converting environment animation

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 118 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clips

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 124 mSec

' INFO : Converting image clip animation

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 130 mSec

' INFO : Converting materials

' INFO : 140 mSec - cumulative: 276 mSec

' INFO : Converting material animation

' INFO : 0 mSec - cumulative: 282 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchies and primitives

' INFO : 294 mSec - cumulative: 582 mSec

' INFO : Resolving instances

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 589 mSec

' INFO : Converting hierarchy node data and animation

' INFO : 27 mSec - cumulative: 622 mSec

' INFO : Connecting Operators

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 629 mSec

' INFO : Applying hierarchy properties

' INFO : 5 mSec - cumulative: 640 mSec

' INFO : Post processing

' INFO : 1 mSec - cumulative: 647 mSec

' INFO : Optimize and Cleanup

' INFO : 7 mSec - cumulative: 659 mSec

' INFO : Import completed


ExportCrosswalk CreateExportCrosswalkOptions CreateImportCrosswalkOptions