

Shape key instantiation mode.

C# Syntax

siShapeInstanceMode.siShapeInstanceOnlyMode                                 // 0
siShapeInstanceMode.siShapeMixedWeightMode                                  // 1
siShapeInstanceMode.siShapeTransitionMode                                   // 2
siShapeInstanceMode.siShapeTransitionCardinalMode                           // 3
siShapeInstanceMode.siShapeBlendedWeightMode                                // 4

Constant Value Description
siShapeInstanceOnlyMode 0 Only instance the action.
siShapeMixedWeightMode 1 Instance in mixed weight mode.
siShapeTransitionMode 2 Instance in transition mode.
siShapeTransitionCardinalMode 3 Instance in transition cardinal mode.
siShapeBlendedWeightMode 4 Instance in mixed weight mode without keying the weight.

Applies To

PlotShape Geometry.SaveShapeKey