

This enumerator provides the identifiers for the Softimage events, they can be used for implementing C++ event handlers in order to identify the events fired by Softimage.

C# Syntax

siEventID.siOnBeginNewScene                                                 // 542179328
siEventID.siOnEndNewScene                                                   // 542179329
siEventID.siOnBeginSceneOpen                                                // 542179330
siEventID.siOnEndSceneOpen                                                  // 542179331
siEventID.siOnBeginSceneSave                                                // 542179332
siEventID.siOnEndSceneSave                                                  // 542179333
siEventID.siOnBeginSceneSaveAs                                              // 542179334
siEventID.siOnEndSceneSaveAs                                                // 542179335
siEventID.siOnTerminate                                                     // 542179336
siEventID.siOnSelectionChange                                               // 542179337
siEventID.siOnBeginFrame                                                    // 542179338
siEventID.siOnEndFrame                                                      // 542179339
siEventID.siOnBeginSequence                                                 // 542179340
siEventID.siOnEndSequence                                                   // 542179341
siEventID.siOnKeyUp                                                         // 542179342
siEventID.siOnKeyDown                                                       // 542179343
siEventID.siOnValueChange                                                   // 542179344
siEventID.siOnTimeChange                                                    // 542179345
siEventID.siOnWindowEvent                                                   // 542179346
siEventID.siOnBeginFileExport                                               // 542179347
siEventID.siOnEndFileExport                                                 // 542179348
siEventID.siOnBeginFileImport                                               // 542179349
siEventID.siOnEndFileImport                                                 // 542179350
siEventID.siOnStartup                                                       // 542179351
siEventID.siOnSourcePathChange                                              // 542179352
siEventID.siOnObjectAdded                                                   // 542179353
siEventID.siOnObjectRemoved                                                 // 542179354
siEventID.siOnTimer                                                         // 542179355
siEventID.siOnBeginSceneSave2                                               // 542179356
siEventID.siOnEndSceneSave2                                                 // 542179357
siEventID.siOnCloseScene                                                    // 542179358
siEventID.siOnActivate                                                      // 542179359
siEventID.siOnMaximize                                                      // 542179360
siEventID.siOnMinimize                                                      // 542179361
siEventID.siOnChangeProject                                                 // 542179362
siEventID.siOnRefModelModSave                                               // 542179363
siEventID.siOnBeginRefModelModLoad                                          // 542179364
siEventID.siOnEndRefModelModLoad                                            // 542179365
siEventID.siOnCustomFileImport                                              // 542179366
siEventID.siOnCustomFileExport                                              // 542179367
siEventID.siOnDragAndDrop                                                   // 542179368
siEventID.siOnBeginPassChange                                               // 542179369
siEventID.siOnEndPassChange                                                 // 542179370
siEventID.siOnStartAnimation                                                // 542179371
siEventID.siOnStopAnimation                                                 // 542179372
siEventID.siOnRefModelLoad                                                  // 542179373
siEventID.siOnConnectShader                                                 // 542179374
siEventID.siOnDisconnectShader                                              // 542179375
siEventID.siOnAddShaderPort                                                 // 542179376
siEventID.siOnRemoveShaderPort                                              // 542179377
siEventID.siOnCreateShader                                                  // 542179378
siEventID.siOnCreateShaderDef                                               // 542179379
siEventID.siOnCustomShaderExport                                            // 542179380
siEventID.siOnRenderAbort                                                   // 542179381
siEventID.siOnBeginScrubbing                                                // 542179382
siEventID.siOnEndScrubbing                                                  // 542179383
siEventID.siOnPreParseShaderDef                                             // 542179384
siEventID.siOnPreDefineShaderDef                                            // 542179385
siEventID.siOnEndCommand                                                    // 542181329
siEventID.siOnBeginCommand                                                  // 542181331

Constant Value Description
siOnActivate 542179359 OnActivate event identifier. Fired when the Softimage application is activated or deactivated. The Softimage application is activated when a window belonging to a different application than Softimage is about to be deactivated. This results typically from a user action such as changing the focus or closing the window. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnAddShaderPort 542179376 OnAddShaderPort event identifier. Not implemented.
siOnBeginCommand 542181331 OnBeginCommand event identifier. Fired before a Command is executed. This event is fired for top-level commands only, sub-commands executed while a top-level command is running will not trigger this event.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginFileExport 542179347 OnBeginFileExport event identifier. This event occurs at the beginning of a file export.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginFileImport 542179349 OnBeginFileImport event identifier. This event occurs at the beginning of a file import.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginFrame 542179338 OnBeginFrame event identifier. Fired when a frame is rendered. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginNewScene 542179328 OnBeginNewScene event identifier. Fired when a new scene is created.
siOnBeginPassChange 542179369 OnBeginPassChange event identifier. Fired before a renderpass is changed. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginRefModelModLoad 542179364 OnRefModelPostLoad event identifier. Fired just before loading the modification of the current reference model resolution.
siOnBeginSceneOpen 542179330 OnBeginSceneOpen event identifier. Fired after a user clicks OK in the Load Scene dialog box. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginSceneSave 542179332 OnBeginSceneSave event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved.
siOnBeginSceneSave2 542179356 OnBeginSceneSave2 event identifier. Same as siOnBeginSceneSave except this version allows you to pass in the full path name of the scene via Context Attributes.
siOnBeginSceneSaveAs 542179334 OnBeginSceneSaveAs event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved using File > Save As. Fired after the scene is loaded. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginSequence 542179340 OnBeginSequence event identifier. Fired before the first OnBeginFrame event when a sequence is rendered. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnBeginScrubbing 542179382 OnBeginScrubbing event identifier. Fired before setting a parameter value(s) with a PPG slider control. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnChangeProject 542179362 OnChangeProject event identifier. Fired when the project changes in Softimage. This can occur when one of the following actions takes place:

- a new project is created

- a project is activated

- a new scene is loaded

- during a crash recovery operation

Note: The event is not fired when a project gets closed due to Softimage terminating.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnCloseScene 542179358 OnCloseScene event identifier. Fired when a scene is closing. This event occurs before a new scene or a new project is created, or before a scene is loaded.
siOnConnectShader 542179374 OnConnectShader event identifier. Fired after a shader port is connected. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnCreateShader 542179378 OnCreateShader event identifier. Fired after a shader is created. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnCreateShaderDef 542179379 OnCreateShaderDef event identifier. Fired after a shader definition is created. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnCustomFileExport 542179367 OnCustomFileExport event identifier. Fired when exporting an asset with a custom file-extension.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnCustomFileImport 542179366 OnCustomFileImport event identifier. Fired when importing an asset with a custom file-extension.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnCustomShaderExport 542179380 siOnCustomShaderExport event identifier. Fired when exporting a shader or shader tree in the RenderTree with a custom file-extension. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnDisconnectShader 542179375 OnDisconnectShader event identifier. Fired after a shader port is disconnected. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnDragAndDrop 542179368 OnDragAndDrop event identifier. Fired when a source is dragged over or dropped in a view and no default Softimage handlers dealt with it. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndCommand 542181329 OnEndCommand event identifier. Fired when a Command terminates. This event is fired for top-level commands only, sub-commands executed while a top-level command is running will not trigger this event.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndFileExport 542179348 OnEndFileExport event identifier. This event occurs at the end of a file export.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndFileImport 542179350 OnEndFileImport event identifier. This event occurs at the end of a file import.

See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndFrame 542179339 OnEndFrame event identifier. Fired when a frame is rendered. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndNewScene 542179329 OnEndNewScene event identifier. Fired when a new scene is created.
siOnEndPassChange 542179370 OnEndPassChange event identifier. Fired after a renderpass has been changed. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndRefModelModLoad 542179365 OnEndRefModelModLoad event identifier. Fired just after loading the modification of the current reference model resolution.
siOnEndSceneOpen 542179331 OnEndSceneOpen event identifier. Fired after the scene is loaded. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndSceneSave 542179333 OnEndSceneSave event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved.
siOnEndSceneSave2 542179357 OnEndSceneSave2 event identifier. Same as siOnEndSceneSave except this version allows you to pass in the full path name of the scene via Context Attributes.
siOnEndSceneSaveAs 542179335 OnEndSceneSaveAs event identifier. Fired when a scene is saved using File > Save As. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndSequence 542179341 OnEndSequence event identifier. Fired after the last OnEndFrame event when a sequence is rendered. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnEndScrubbing 542179383 OnEndScrubbing event identifier. Fired after a parameter value(s) have been changed with a slider control. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnKeyDown 542179343 OnKeyDown event identifier. Fired when a user presses a key. OnKeyDown is not fired if the window with the focus handles keyboard events. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnKeyUp 542179342 OnKeyUp event identifier. Fired when a user releases a key. OnKeyUp is not fired if the window with the focus handles keyboard events. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnMaximize 542179360 OnMaximize event identifier. Fired when the Softimage application window is maximized. The Maximize action activates the application which therefore triggers an siOnActivate event with a state set to true.
siOnMinimize 542179361 OnMinimize event identifier. Fired when the Softimage application window is minimized. The Minimize action de-activates the application which therefore triggers an siOnActivate event with a state set to false.
siOnObjectAdded 542179353 OnObjectAdded event identifier. Fired when an object has been added to the scene. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.

Note: Prior to v6.5 this was only available for the Custom Display Host.
siOnObjectRemoved 542179354 OnObjectRemoved event identifier. Fired when an object has been removed from the scene. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.

Note: Prior to v6.5 this was only available for the Custom Display Host.
siOnPreParseShaderDef 542179384 OnPreParseShaderDef event identifier. Fired after a shader definition is pre parsed. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnPreDefineShaderDef 542179385 OnPreDefineShaderDef event identifier. Fired after a shader definition is pre defined. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnRefModelLoad 542179373 OnRefModelLoad event identifier. Fired before the current resolution gets loaded for a referenced model
siOnRefModelModSave 542179363 OnRefModelModSave event identifier. Fired just before saving the modification of the current reference model resolution.
siOnRemoveShaderPort 542179377 OnRemoveShaderPort event identifier. Not implemented.
siOnRenderAbort 542179381 OnRenderAbort event identifier. Fired when a render sequence has been aborted by the user. The event can also be sent when a render region job is re-executed as a result of a scene change.
siOnSelectionChange 542179337 OnSelectionChange event identifier. Fired when the selection lists change. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event. This event is supported only by the Custom Display Host.
siOnSourcePathChange 542179352 OnSourcePathChange event identifier. Fired when a Softimage source path is changed. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnStartup 542179351 OnStartup event identifier. Fired when Softimage starts.
siOnStartAnimation 542179371 OnStartAnimation event identifier. Fired when animation playback has been started with the timeline play button or animation scrubbing has been started. The event can also be fired when one of these commands has been executed: PlayBackwards, PlayBackwardsFromEnd, PlayForwards, PlayForwardsFromStart, PlayFrame, PlayRealTime, or PlayRealTimeFromStart.

Note: This event has no specific attributes.
siOnStopAnimation 542179372 siOnStopAnimation event identifier. Fired after animation playback has been stopped with the timeline play button or animation scrubbing has been stopped. The event can also be fired after one of these commands has been executed: PlaybackStop, PlayBackwards, PlayBackwardsFromEnd, PlayForwards, PlayForwardsFromStart, PlayFrame, PlayRealTime, or PlayRealTimeFromStart.

Note: This event has no specific attributes.
siOnTerminate 542179336 OnTerminate event identifier. Fired when Softimage exits.
siOnTimeChange 542179345 OnTimeChange event identifier. Fired when the time line changes. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.
siOnTimer 542179355 OnTimer event identifier. Fired when a timer elapses.
siOnValueChange 542179344 OnValueChange event identifier. Fired when a parameter value or scene object is changed. See the list of available Context Attributes for this event.

Note: This event is a regular Softimage event but is also supported by the Custom Display Host.
siOnWindowEvent 542179346 OnWindowEvent event identifier. Fired when a custom display changes position or get refreshed. This event is supported only by the Custom Display Host.

Applies To

PluginRegistrar.RegisterConverterEvent PluginRegistrar.RegisterEvent PluginRegistrar::RegisterEvent ViewContext::GetNotificationData

See Also

siSourcePathType SIObject.Type OnEvent callback