

Defines the types of alignment used for creating a 2D chain.

Note: Use this enum instead of the obsolete siViewType enum.

C# Syntax

si2DChainAlignType.si2DChainTop                                             // 0
si2DChainAlignType.si2DChainFront                                           // 1
si2DChainAlignType.si2DChainRight                                           // 2
si2DChainAlignType.si2DChainNormalRadian                                    // 3
si2DChainAlignType.si2DChainNormalDegree                                    // 4

Constant Value Description
si2DChainTop 0 Align with top viewport.
si2DChainFront 1 Align with front viewport.
si2DChainRight 2 Align with right viewport.
si2DChainNormalRadian 3 Align with plane normal, value must be specified in radian units.
si2DChainNormalDegree 4 Align with plane normal, value must be specified in degree units.

Applies To

X3DObject.Add2DChain X3DObject::Add2DChain