



Builds a full path by concatenating one or more path fragments. Path fragments include drive letters, server names ("\\server"), device names, folder names, file names, and special symbols such as ".." and "~".

Path fragments do not need to include a path separator character. BuildPath makes sure there is a single path separator character between each part of the path. For example, BuildPath( "users", "andrew" ) returns "users\andrew" on Windows and "users/andrew" on Linux. The path does not need to specify an existing file or folder.

This method is similar to FileSystemObject.BuildPath, but supports up to eight path fragments.

BuildPath makes it easier to write cross-platform scripting code that deals with file and folder paths.

C# Syntax

String XSIUtils.BuildPath( Object in_segment1, Object in_segment2, Object in_segment3, Object in_segment4, Object in_segment5, Object in_segment6, Object in_segment7, Object in_segment8 );

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = XSIUtils.BuildPath( fragment1, fragment2, [fragment3], [fragment4], [fragment5], [fragment6], [fragment7], [fragment8] );

Return Value

A path composed from the specified fragments


Parameter Type Description
fragment1 String The first part of a path (for example, "C:" or "/MyDisk")
fragment2 String The second part of the path
fragment3 String An optional fragment to append to the path.

Default Value: ""

fragment4 String An optional fragment to append to the path.

Default Value: ""

fragment5 String An optional fragment to append to the path.

Default Value: ""

fragment6 String An optional fragment to append to the path.

Default Value: ""

fragment7 String An optional fragment to append to the path.

Default Value: ""

fragment8 String An optional fragment to append to the path.

Default Value: ""


1. JScript Example

	This example shows how to use XSIUtils.BuildPath to build the full path to the 
	user's Script folder. This code works on both Linux and Windows machines.
var strScriptsPath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( 
	Application.InstallationPath( siUserPath ),
	"Data", "Scripts" ) ;
var aScriptFiles = FindFilesInFolder( strScriptsPath, ".*\.js$", true, false ) ;
Application.LogMessage( strScriptsPath + " : " + aScriptFiles.length + " JScript script(s)") ;
aScriptFiles = FindFilesInFolder( strScriptsPath, ".*\.vbs$", true, false ) ;
Application.LogMessage( strScriptsPath + " : " + aScriptFiles.length + " VBScript script(s)") ;
aScriptFiles = FindFilesInFolder( strScriptsPath, ".*\.py?$", true, false ) ;
Application.LogMessage( strScriptsPath + " : " + aScriptFiles.length + " Python script(s)") ;
// Running this example counts the number of scripts in your user path:
// INFO : <user_path>\Data\Scripts : 19 JScript script(s)
// INFO : <user_path>\Data\Scripts : 25 VBScript script(s)
// INFO : <user_path>\Data\Scripts : 6 Python script(s)

2. VBScript Example

'	This example shows how to use XSIUtils.BuildPath
strUserPath = Application.InstallationPath( siUserPath ) 
strRelativePath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( "MyFolder", "MySubFolder" & 1, "foo.txt" )
strFullPath = XSIUtils.BuildPath( strUserPath, strRelativePath ) 
Application.LogMessage strUserPath
Application.LogMessage strRelativePath
Application.LogMessage strFullPath

See Also

XSIUtils.Slash XSIUtils.EnsureFolderExists XSIUtils.ResolvePath