



Returns a collection of all self-installable plug-ins currently loaded in Softimage as a PluginCollection.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
PluginCollection rtn = XSIApplication.Plugins;


1. Python Example

# This example demonstrates how to find all the plug-ins currently 
# registered in Softimage that implement a shader parser
oPC = Application.Plugins
for p in oPC :
	for pi in p.Items :
		if pi.Type == "Shader Language Parser" :
			Application.LogMessage(p.Name + " is a parser plug-in")
# This is the realtime shader parser plug-in shipped with Softimage:
# INFO : HWParsers is a parser plug-in

2. VBScript Example

'	This example displays information for all loaded plug-ins
set plgs = Application.Plugins
for each p in plgs
	LogMessage "Name: " 	& p.Name
	LogMessage "Author: " 	& p.Author
	LogMessage "Major: " 	& p.Major
	LogMessage "Minor: " 	& p.Minor
	LogMessage "Language: "	& p.Language
	LogMessage "Filename: "	& p.Filename
	LogMessage "URL: " 	& p.URL
	LogMessage "Email: " 	& p.Email
	LogMessage "Loaded: " 	& p.Loaded

See Also

XSIApplication.LoadPlugin XSIApplication.UnloadPlugin Plugin Callbacks for Self-installing Plug-ins