PolygonFaceCollection.PolygonNodeNormalArray operator


Returns a 2-dimensional Array containing the normal x,y,z values for every PolygonNode, ordered by node index. Notice that partial polygon arrays will still return all node normals.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Object rtn = PolygonFaceCollection.PolygonNodeNormalArray;


VBScript Example

set oObject = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root.AddGeometry("Cube","MeshSurface")
set oPolygonMesh = oObject.ActivePrimitive.Geometry
set oPolygonFaceCollection = oPolygonMesh.Polygons
aPolygonNodeNormalArray = oPolygonFaceCollection.PolygonNodeNormalArray
for i = LBound(aPolygonNodeNormalArray,2) to UBound(aPolygonNodeNormalArray,2)
	logmessage "PolygonNode: " & i 
	logmessage "Normal : " & aPolygonNodeNormalArray(0,i) & _
				", " & aPolygonNodeNormalArray(1,i) & _
				 ", " & aPolygonNodeNormalArray(2,i)