Example of a script-based Custom Property plug-in
To try out this example, use the Plug-in Tree to create an empty plug-in,
replace the generated code with the example code, and save the file. Softimage
will automatically load the plug-in, and you can create an instance of the
property by right-clicking the property in the Plug-in Tree and choosing
Create Property.
(You can also load the plug-in without restarting Softimage - see
function XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
// Called on startup of Softimage to defined
// what is contained in the script. (We could potentially
// implement many PluginItems in the same script)
in_reg.Author = "Softimage SDK Team" ;
in_reg.Name = "SDK Example - Simple Custom Property" ;
in_reg.Major = 1 ;
in_reg.Minor = 1 ;
in_reg.RegisterProperty( "SimpleProp" ) ;
return true ;
function SimpleProp_Define( io_Context )
//Called when a new instance of the Custom Property is created
//Define is not called when the plug-in is updated or reloaded.
var oCustomProperty = io_Context.Source
oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "U", siDouble, 0.3, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;
oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "V", siDouble, 0.75, 0.0, 1.0 ) ;
oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "LockUV",siBool,false,null,null,false ) ;
oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "ShowInfo",siBool,false,null,null,false ) ;
// Some static text that we will dynamically show and hide
strInfo = "This is an sdk example showing a Custom\r\n" +
"Property that is defined inside a script-based\r\n" +
"plug-in." ;
var oParameter = oCustomProperty.AddParameter3( "InfoStatic", siString ) ;
oParameter.Show( false ) ;
oParameter.Value = strInfo ;
function SimpleProp_DefineLayout( io_Context )
// Called once per Softimage session, or after
// a call to XSIUtils.Reload
var oPPGLayout = io_Context.Source
//Important first step is to erase any existing contents
oPPGLayout.Clear() ;
oPPGLayout.AddGroup( "Data" ) ;
oPPGLayout.AddRow() ;
var oItem = oPPGLayout.AddItem( "U" ) ;
oItem.SetAttribute( siUIThumbWheel, true ) ;
oItem.LabelMinPixels = 20 ;
oItem.LabelPercentage = 1 ;
oItem = oPPGLayout.AddItem( "V" ) ;
oItem.SetAttribute( siUITreadmill, true ) ;
oItem.LabelMinPixels = 20 ;
oItem.LabelPercentage = 1 ;
oPPGLayout.EndRow() ;
oPPGLayout.AddItem( "LockUV", "Lock UV" ) ;
oPPGLayout.EndGroup() ;
oPPGLayout.AddGroup() ;
// The InfoStatic is always in the layout,
// but it will not appear if siNotInspected
// capability has been set by calling Parameter.Show(false)
oItem = oPPGLayout.AddItem( "InfoStatic", "", siControlStatic ) ;
oItem.SetAttribute( siUIValueOnly, true ) ;
oPPGLayout.AddItem( "ShowInfo", "Show Info" ) ;
oPPGLayout.EndGroup() ;
oPPGLayout.AddButton( "Done" ) ;
// Logic Code - these callbacks are called when
// events happen in the user interface
// The syntax is basically the same as SPDL logic
// but notice how each function uses a prefix based on the
// Custom Property that we registered, i.e.
// "SimpleProp_"
function SimpleProp_OnInit()
//Called when the UI first appears.
Application.LogMessage( "Someone is inspecting " +
PPG.Inspected(0).FullName ) ;
function SimpleProp_Done_OnClicked()
// See the documentation for
// PPG.Close for more info about this
// technique.
// Self destruct the property page
DeleteObj( PPG.Inspected(0) ) ;
// Close the property page
PPG.Close() ;
function SimpleProp_ShowInfo_OnChanged()
// Toggle the visibility of the static text
PPG.InfoStatic.Show( PPG.ShowInfo.Value ) ;
// It isn't strictly necessary to call this for
// simple cases of hiding and showing controls,
// but it ensures that the property page is fully
// redrawn and resized.
PPG.Refresh() ;
// The following three logic routines force both
// parameters to have the same value
function SimpleProp_U_OnChanged()
if ( PPG.LockUV.Value )
// Note: Changing the value from
// within the logic code will not
// result in SimpleProp_V_OnChanged
// being called. So there is
// minimal risk of infinite loops.
PPG.V.Value = PPG.U.Value ;
function SimpleProp_V_OnChanged()
if ( PPG.LockUV.Value )
PPG.U.Value = PPG.V.Value ;
function SimpleProp_LockUV_OnChanged()
if ( PPG.LockUV.Value )
// When locking is enabled make sure
// that the two values snap to the same,
// value.
avg = ( PPG.U.Value + PPG.V.Value ) / 2 ;
PPG.U.Value = avg ;
PPG.V.Value = avg ;
} |