

Registers a custom Menu in Softimage. The menu is loaded and initialized only when the user opens it from the UI. The location of a menu is specified by anchor points (see siMenuAnchorPoints for a complete list).

You can register the same menu at multiple locations, and multiple menus at the same location. A menu can be a submenu or a flat list of items. A menu can also be dynamic or static: a dynamic menu is rebuilt every time it is displayed, while a static menu is built once only.

See Menu for details about creating a custom menu.

C# Syntax

PluginItem PluginRegistrar.RegisterMenu( siMenuAnchorPoints in_menuID, String in_menuName, Boolean in_bDisplayAsSubmenu, Boolean in_bDynamicMenu );

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = PluginRegistrar.RegisterMenu( Anchor, Name, [DisplayAsSubmenu], [Dynamic] );

Return Value



Parameter Type Description
Anchor siMenuAnchorPoints Specifies the location of the menu.
Name String The name of the custom menu to register. It should begin with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and the underscore character.

If a menu name contains spaces (for example, "My Custom Menu"), the names of the menu callback functions must omit the spaces (for example, "MyCustomMenu_Init").

If the menu is a submenu (DisplayAsSubmenu == True), or if the menu is added to the top-level of the Softimage main menubar (Anchor == siMenuMainTopLevelID), then the menu name is used as the menu caption.

You cannot change the caption of a top-level menu. For all other menus, you can change the caption by setting the Menu.Name property in the Init callback.
DisplayAsSubmenu Boolean True to display the custom menu as a submenu.

Default Value: True

Dynamic Boolean Sets the menu as dynamic or static: a dynamic menu is always rebuilt before the menu opens whereas static menus are only built once.

Default Value: True


JScript Example

	This example shows how to register and implement a custom menu 
	README: Copy and paste the example into the script editor 
	and run (F5).
	The menu will install itself into the application's Window menu
function  XSILoadPlugin( in_reg )
	in_reg.Author = "Softimage Co.";
	in_reg.Name = "PluginRegistrar.RegisterMenu Example";
	// register the menu item 
	in_reg.RegisterMenu( siMenuMainWindowID, "Window_Menu", false );
	// "Sample menu has been installed in the Window menu"
	return true;	
function  Window_Menu_Init( in_ctxt )
	var oMenu = in_ctxt.source;
	oMenu.AddCallbackItem( "Sample", "OnWindowMenu");
function  OnWindowMenu( in_ctxt )
	var oMenuItem = in_ctxt.source;
	Application.LogMessage("OnWindowMenu: " + oMenuItem .name );
// Code to bootstrap example into system
function ExampleSourceCode()
	return "// XSISDK Doc Example\n" +	
		Window_Menu_Init.toString() + "\n" + 
		OnWindowMenu.toString() + "\n" + 
// if we are running from script editor save code to 
// examples addon folder in the user's directory.
if (GetUserPref("ScriptingSessionActive"))
	var ex_name 	= "ExPluginRegistrarRegisterMenu";
	var ex_subfolder 	= "Plugins";
	var ex_folder 	= "XSISDKDocExamples";
	var ex_langsuffix	= ".js";
	CreateAddonDirectories( InstallationPath(siUserPath), ex_folder );
	var fso = XSIFactory.CreateActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
	var filename = XSIUtils.BuildPath( 
		ex_name+ex_langsuffix );
	if (!fso.FileExists(filename))
		var f = fso.CreateTextFile ( filename );
		f.write( ExampleSourceCode() );

See Also

Menu PluginItem Definition Callbacks for Menus