PPGLayout.SetViewPosition operator


v10 (2012)


This method allows the user to set the view position, which may (but isn't guaranteed to) be used by the PPG containing the layout to determine the PPG's position. It is currently only supported by modal PPGs.

C# Syntax

PPGLayout.SetViewPosition( Int32 in_posX, Int32 in_posY );

Scripting Syntax

PPGLayout.SetViewPosition( posX, posY );


Parameter Type Description
posX Long The horizontal position of the top-left corner of the PPG position.
posY Long The vertical position of the top-left corner of the PPG position.


JScript Example

var oPPG = XSIFactory.CreateObject( "CustomProperty" )
oPPG.Name = "Test modal" ;
oLayout = oPPG.PPGLayout;
oLayout.AddButton( "test" );
oLayout.SetViewPosition( 50,400 );
InspectObj( oPPG,null,"Test modal window", siModal );

See Also
