



Returns or sets the current tab visible on the property page as a String. The tab is identified by its label (see PPGLayout.AddTab).


JScript Example

// Demonstration of the ability to manipulate Tabs on 
// a PPG from within PPG logic code.
// It is possible to find out what tab is active,
// change the tab, and to get notified when the tab changes.
// Create a basic Custom PSet that doesn't even have any parameters,
// just layout elements.
var oPSet = ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty",false,"TabDemo" )
var oLayout = oPSet.PPGLayout
oLayout.AddTab( "Tab 1" );
oLayout.AddButton( "Tab1Button", "Next" );
oLayout.AddTab( "Tab 2" );
oLayout.AddButton( "Tab2Button", "Previous" );
oLayout.AddTab( "LeaveMeAlone" ) ;
oLayout.AddButton( "NeverSeen" );
oLayout.Language = "JScript";
oLayout.Logic = OnInit.toString() + 
		Tab1_OnTab.toString() + 
		Tab2_OnTab.toString() + 
		LeaveMeAlone_OnTab.toString() +
		Tab1Button_OnClicked.toString() +
		Tab2Button_OnClicked.toString() ;
InspectObj( oPSet )
// The following is the logic code that
// controls the behavior of the PPG.
function OnInit()
	// Note: Currently it is not possible to change
	// tabs during the OnInit callback		
function Tab1Button_OnClicked()
	// "Next" button
	PPG.CurrentTab = "Tab 2" ;
function Tab2Button_OnClicked()
	// Move to the Previous tab
	PPG.CurrentTab = "Tab 1" ;
function Tab1_OnTab()
	// Called when Tab1 gets clicked
	// and when we first open the PPG.
	// (But not called when we change
	// the tab programmatically.)
	// Notice how the space in the tab label ("Tab 1")
	// has been removed to generate the callback name
	// ("Tab1_OnTab")
	Logmessage( "Current tab is: " + PPG.CurrentTab ) ;	
function Tab2_OnTab()
	Logmessage( "Now current tab is: " + PPG.CurrentTab ) ;
function LeaveMeAlone_OnTab()
	// Rather a harsh user interface - 
	// prevent users from going to this
	// tab.  This might be useful when implementing
	// a Wizard-style workflow 
	PPG.CurrentTab = "Tab 1" ;

See Also

InspectObj PPG.Inspected