

Sets or return the X3DObject object acting as the upvector reference. You can remove the upvector reference by setting the property to Nothing.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
X3DObject rtn = Joint.UpVectorReference;
// set accessor
Joint.UpVectorReference = X3DObject;


VBScript Example

set oRoot = application.activeproject.activescene.root
set oNull = oRoot.AddNull("UpVectorReference")
oRootPos = array(0,10,0)
oEffPos = array(10,10,0)
oNormalAxis = array(1,1,1)
set oChainRoot = oRoot.Add3DChain( oRootPos, oEffPos, oNormalAxis )
set oJoint = oChainRoot.Bones(0).Joint
set oJoint.UpVectorReference = oNull
oJoint.parameters("resplane").value = siUpVector