FacetCollection.NormalArray operator


Returns normals as a 2 dimensional Array of x,y,z values.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
Object rtn = FacetCollection.NormalArray;


1. VBScript Example

set oRoot = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
set oCube = oRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" )
set oGeometry = oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry
aNormals = oGeometry.Facets.NormalArray
for i = LBound(aNormals, 2) to UBound(aNormals, 2)
	Application.LogMessage "normal[" & i & "] =" & aNormals(0,i) & "," & aNormals(1,i) & "," & aNormals(2,i)
' Expected result:
'INFO : normal[0] =0,0,-1
'INFO : normal[1] =0,-1,0
'INFO : normal[2] =-1,0,0
'INFO : normal[3] =1,0,0
'INFO : normal[4] =0,1,0
'INFO : normal[5] =0,0,1

2. JScript Example

var oCube = Application.ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Cube", "MeshSurface" ) ;
var oGeometry = oCube.ActivePrimitive.Geometry ;
aNormals = new VBArray( oGeometry.Facets.NormalArray ) ;
for ( i = aNormals.lbound(2) ; i <= aNormals.ubound(2) ; i++ )
	Application.LogMessage( "normal[" + i + "] =" + aNormals.getItem(0,i) + "," +
				aNormals.getItem(1,i) + "," + aNormals.getItem(2,i) ) ;
// Expected result:
//INFO : normal[0] =0,0,-1
//INFO : normal[1] =0,-1,0
//INFO : normal[2] =-1,0,0
//INFO : normal[3] =1,0,0
//INFO : normal[4] =0,1,0
//INFO : normal[5] =0,0,1