



Returns the specified fcurve key constraint (see siFCurveKeyConstraint for a list of possible values). The siFCurveKeyConstraint values are of type Long.

Note: This is the Python-compliant version of the FCurveKey.Constraint. Since Python does not support input parameters on properties, FCurveKey.Constraint will fail in Python.

C# Syntax

Boolean FCurveKey.GetConstraint2( siFCurveKeyConstraint in_eConstraint );

Scripting Syntax

oBoolean = FCurveKey.GetConstraint2( Constraint );

Return Value

Boolean value indicating whether or not the specified constraint is set.


Parameter Type Description
Constraint siFCurveKeyConstraint The type of fcurve key constraint to set or return. You can add these values together to specify several constraints at once.

For example, use siParameterConstraint + siSameLengthTangentConstraint to lock all parameters and force left and right tangent lengths to be the same.

See Also
