

Sets the envelope weights for a given deformer and normalizes the weights. Use the Envelope.SetDeformerWeights2 method if you don't want to normalize weights.

The deformer weights need to be passed in the cluster index order not in the geometry index order. To retrieve the cluster index corresponding to a given geometry index you can use Envelope.Elements in conjunction with ClusterElementCollection.FindIndex.

C# Syntax

Envelope.SetDeformerWeights( X3DObject, Object );

Scripting Syntax

Envelope.SetDeformerWeights( Deformer, [Weights] );


Parameter Type Description
Deformer X3DObject or expression deformer object
Weights Array of Doubles Array of weights, one for each point influenced by the Envelope


1. VBScript Example

'vbscript example demonstrates GetDeformerWeights and SetDeformerWeights
'methods on the Envelope object
newscene ,false
set oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
'Create the skeleton
set oChainRoot = ActiveSceneRoot.Add3DChain
'There is already a first bone automatically created
set oBone0 = oChainRoot.Bones.Item(0) 
set oEffPos = XSIMath.CreateVector3
oEffPos.Set 3,3,3
set oBone1 = oChainRoot.AddBone(oEffPos)
set oEnvelope = oSphere.ApplyEnvelope( oChainRoot, siBranch )
'Access 1-dimensional arrays with the weights
aBone0Weights = oEnvelope.GetDeformerWeights( oBone0 )
aBone1Weights = oEnvelope.GetDeformerWeights( oBone1 )
'Demonstrate how we can read the weight values
for iElement=lbound(aBone1Weights,1) to ubound(aBone1Weights,1)
	if ( aBone1Weights( iElement ) > 80.0 ) then
		logmessage "Point " & oEnvelope.Elements.Item( iElement ) & _
			" is almost completely influenced by Bone 0"
	end if
'We can use SetDeformerWeights to change the weightings.
'In this case we complete switch the influence of the bones
oEnvelope.SetDeformerWeights oBone1, aBone0Weights  
oEnvelope.SetDeformerWeights oBone0, aBone1Weights 
'Output of this script is the following:
'INFO : "Point 21 is almost completely influenced by Bone 0"
'INFO : "Point 26 is almost completely influenced by Bone 0"
'INFO : "Point 27 is almost completely influenced by Bone 0"
'INFO : "Point 28 is almost completely influenced by Bone 0"
'INFO : "Point 29 is almost completely influenced by Bone 0"
'INFO : "Point 35 is almost completely influenced by Bone 0"

2. JScript Example

//JScript example showing how to modify deformer weights
//via GetDeformerWeights/SetDeformerWeights
var root = Application.ActiveProject.ActiveScene.Root
var n = root.AddNull();
var n1 = root.AddNull();
var n2 = root.AddNull();
translate( n, 1, 0, 1 );
translate( n1, 0, 0, 1 );
translate( n2, 0, 0, 0 );
var grid = root.AddGeometry( "cube", "MeshSurface");
var deformers = new ActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection");
deformers.Add( n );
deformers.Add( n1 );
deformers.Add( n2 );
var env = grid.ApplyEnvelope( deformers );
//get and set the weights from the first deformer
var vba = new VBArray( env.getdeformerweights( n ) );
var jsa = vba.toArray();
logmessage( "weight values before changes:" );
for( var i=0; i<jsa.length; i++ )
	logmessage( jsa[i] )
	jsa[i] = 10.0;
env.setdeformerweights( n, jsa );
//Show values after changes
var vba = new VBArray( env.getdeformerweights( n ) );
logmessage( "weight values after changes:" )	
var jsa = vba.toArray();
for( var i=0; i<jsa.length; i++ )
	logmessage( jsa[i] )

See Also

Envelope.SetDeformerWeights2 Envelope.GetDeformerWeights