

Returns or sets a String value representing the target of the action being performed through the channel. The target can have many meanings depending on the siChannelAction type. For example, with the Drive type (siChannelActionDrive), the target is the parameter controlled by this channel, but for the Command type (siChannelActionCommand), the target is the name of the command to run.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
String rtn = Channel.Target;
// set accessor
Channel.Target = String;


VBScript Example

Application.Devices.enable = true
' first add the device if it is not there yet
set oDevice = Application.Devices.Item("PC1600")
If TypeName (oDevice) = "Nothing" Then
set oDevice = Application.Devices.AddDevice( "PC1600" )
End If
set oChannel = oDevice.Channel(1)
oChannel.Action = siChannelActionDrive
oChannel.Target = "current.kine.local.posx"
logmessage "The channel 1 target is? " & oChannel.Target