Returns the version number of the application (eg, "6.5.170.QFE1" or "XSI_Pioneer_Beta1.234-4.0").
As of v7.0, the format of the version information is:
...where the chunks represent this information:
- {ReleaseNumber}: can contain alphanumeric characters, as well as decimal points ("."). For released products,
this contains "Major.Minor" designation (eg., "6.5"). For pre-release versions, this may be the "CodeNameMileStone"
(eg., "XSI_Pioneer_Beta1").
- {BuildNumber}: can also contain alphanumeric characters, but cannot contain decimal points (eg., "234" or "234-4").
- {UpdateNumber}: can also contain alphanumeric characters, but cannot contain decimal points (eg., "1" or "QFE1").
Prior to v7.0, the format of the version information is: "Major.Minor.YYYY.MMDD" (eg., "6.02.2007.0605").