

Adds an item to the add-on. You can use this method only while packaging add-ons. You can use this method to add any of the item types that appear in the File > Add-On > Package dialog (see siAddonItemType for details on the types of items you can add to a package).

C# Syntax

Addon.AddItem( siAddonItemType in_eItemKind, String in_bstrItemName );

Scripting Syntax

Addon.AddItem( in_eItemKind, in_bstrItemName );


Parameter Type Description
in_eItemKind siAddonItemType The type of the item being added.
in_bstrItemName String The name of the item (for example, the name of a command) or the location (the full path including the file name) of the file that contains the item. See siAddonItemType to determine whether you can use the item name or the full path and file name.

Note. This parameter is case-sensitive.


VBScript Example

' **********************************
' This example shows how to add a custom command to an add-on package.
sPath = InstallationPath( siUserPath )
sCmdName = makeCusCmd()
' Create the add-on package object
set oAddOn = Application.CreateAddon
' Add the custom command to the add-on package
oAddOn.AddItem siScriptCmdAddonItemType, sCmdName
' Save the package in the Addons directory
sAddOnFileName = XSIUtils.BuildPath( sPath,  "Addons", "myAddOn.xsiaddon" )
oAddOn.Save sAddOnFileName
' Remove the custom command and install it from the add-on package
if cleanUpCmd( sCmdName ) then
	Application.InstallAddOn sAddOnFileName, siUserAddonPath 
	' Run it to make sure it works
	set oInstalledCmd = Commands( sCmdName )
	if TypeName( oInstalledCmd ) <> "Nothing" then
		Application.LogMessage "Logged after installing from add-on:"
		' After we know it works, we can uninstall it
		Application.UnInstallAddon sAddOnFileName 
		Application.LogMessage "Can't find command."
	end if
end if
' **********************************
' Helper functions that take care of 
' creating and removing the command. 
function makeCusCmd()
	' Start with a clean slate
	Application.RemoveCommand "Howdy"
	' Build the filename & path
	sCmdFileName = XSIUtils.BuildPath( sPath, "Data", "Scripts", "HelloWorld.vbs" )
	' Create a "hello world" script file
	set fso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
	set fHWFile = fso.CreateTextFile( sCmdFileName )
	fHWFile.WriteLine "function SayHi()"
	fHWFile.WriteLine " "
	fHWFile.WriteLine vbTab & "Application.LogMessage " & Chr(34) & "Hello, World!" & Chr(34)
	fHWFile.WriteLine "end function"
	' Add it to the command map in Softimage
	set oCmd = Application.CreateCommand( "Howdy", siNoCategory )
	oCmd.Description = "Display the traditional greeting"
	oCmd.ScriptingName = "Howdy"
	oCmd.Handler = "SayHi"
	oCmd.FileName = sCmdFileName
	oCmd.Language = "VBScript"
	Application.AddCommand oCmd 
	' Run it just to make sure it's working
	Application.LogMessage "Logged from within makeCusCmd():"
	' Return the name of the new command
	makeCusCmd = "Howdy"
	Application.LogMessage "========================================"
end function
function cleanUpCmd( in_sCmd2Delete )
	Application.RemoveCommand in_sCmd2Delete
	if Err.Number <> 0 then
		cleanUpCmd = false
		cleanUpCmd = true
	end if
end function
' ------------------------------------
' Output of above script:
'INFO : "Logged from within makeCusCmd():"
'INFO : "Hello, World!"
'INFO : "========================================"
'INFO : "Logged after installing from add-on:"
'INFO : "Hello, World!"

See Also
