



Undoes the last undoable command in the command stack. This is the scripting equivalent of selecting Undo from the main Edit menu or pressing Ctrl+Z in the user interface.

Warning: Don't call this command to undo changes to scene data from a custom command. Custom commands are only allowed to use the Undo and Redo commands for user data. For more information, see Undoing and Redoing Custom Commands.

Scripting Syntax

Undo( [Repetitions] );


Parameter Type Description
Repetitions Integer Number of times to undo. May stop earlier if there are no more commands to undo.

Default Value: 1


VBScript Example


'	This example demonstrates how to use the Undo option in scripting by 

'	using the DataRepository (internal object database) to see whether

'	the object exists in the scene at each step (creating the object, 

'	deleting, and then undoing the DeleteObj call)


NewScene , false

dim nIdentifier

set oDatabase = XSIUtils.DataRepository

set oCone = CreatePrim( "Cone", "MeshSurface" )

nIdentifier = oDatabase.GetIdentifier( oCone )

LogMessage oDatabase.HasData( nIdentifier )

'INFO : True

DeleteObj( "Cone" )

LogMessage oDatabase.HasData( nIdentifier )

'INFO : False


LogMessage oDatabase.HasData( nIdentifier )

'INFO : True

See Also
