

v10.0 (2012)


Mark specific components referenced by a UV property as unpinned. UnPinUVComponents takes a UV property and a list of component indices as input.

Scripting Syntax

UnPinUVComponents( UVProp, UVComponents );


Parameter Type Description
UVProp Object Name or UVProperty object. The UV Property name or object.
UVComponents Array of Integer indices. Indices of the components to unpin.


VBScript Example

' Set up a grid with a texture and an XY projection.

CreatePrim "Grid", "MeshSurface"

CreateProjection "grid", , siTxtDefaultPlanarXY, , "Texture_Projection"

BlendInTextureLayers , , 1, True, siReplaceAndNoBlendInTextureLayers

SetDisplayMode "Camera", "texturedecal"

SelectObj "grid.polymsh.cls.Texture_Coordinates_AUTO.Texture_Projection"

' Pin components 1, 10, 20, 30

set uvprop = Selection(0)

PinUVComponents uvprop, Array(1, 10, 20, 30)

' Check the pinned component indices with the UVProperty object

componentIndices = uvprop.PinComponentArray

for i = lbound( componentIndices ) to ubound( componentIndices )

	logmessage "Index: " & componentIndices(i)


' Unpin components 10, 20,

UnPinUVComponents uvprop, Array(10, 20)

' Check the pinned components again

componentIndices = uvprop.PinComponentArray

for i = lbound( componentIndices ) to ubound( componentIndices )

	logmessage "Index: " & componentIndices(i)


See Also

PinUVComponents PinAllUVComponents UnPinAllUVComponents