



Toggles boolean parameter values of selected objects.

Scripting Syntax

ToggleParameterValue( [InputObjects], Parameters );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjects String List of objects to toggle parameters on.

Default Value: Current selection

Parameters String Names of which boolean parameters to toggle in a comma-delimited list.

Note: It is the script writer's responsibility to make sure that the parameter specified here are actually boolean.


JScript Example


	This example demonstrates how to use the ToggleParameterValue() command and

	how to convert string names of parameters to Parameter objects (since the

	GetValue command returns the value of a parameter, not a pointer to it)


NewScene( null, false )

var item1 = CreatePrim( "Cube", "MeshSurface" );

var item2 = CreatePrim( "Cylinder", "MeshSurface" );

var target = "visibility.ghosting";

//INFO : Before toggling: 

//INFO : cube.visibility.ghosting = false

//INFO : cylinder.visibility.ghosting = false

LogMessage( "Before toggling: ");

ReadValues( item1 + "." + target );

ReadValues( item2 + "." + target );

ToggleParameterValue( item1 + "," + item2, target )

//INFO : After toggling: 

//INFO : cube.visibility.ghosting = true

//INFO : cylinder.visibility.ghosting = true

LogMessage( "After toggling: ");

ReadValues( item1 + "." + target );

ReadValues( item2 + "." + target );

function ReadValues( in_param ) 


	// First convert the string to a Parameter object

	var new_param = Dictionary.GetObject( in_param );

	// Then wrap the test in a try statement so it doesn't break 

	// the script if anything goes wrong

	try {

		if ( ClassName(new_param) == "Parameter" ) {

			LogMessage( new_param.FullName + " = " + new_param.Value );


	} catch(e) {

		LogMessage( "Item to test is not a valid parameter." );


