



Toggles the visibility of an optional panel. The optional panels in a layout are listed in the View > Optional Panels menu.

Scripting Syntax

ToggleOptionalPanel( Name, Reset );


Parameter Type Description
Name String Name of an existing optional panel in the layout. You can use the name of the panel or the display name (the text displayed on the View > Optional Panels menu). To reset all panels to their default visibility, pass an empty string ("") with Reset=True.

In a layout (.xsily) file, you can find optional panels by looking for elements (such as frames, switchers, and framesets) that have an "optional" attribute (the value of the "optional" attribute is the default state of the panel: hidden or visible). The name and display name of the optional panel are specified by the "name" and "displayname" attributes.
Reset Boolean True to reset all optional panels to their default visibility.

Default Value: False


1. Python Example


# This example toggles the visibility of the timerange (Time Range Slider) panel.


Application.ToggleOptionalPanel( "timerange" )

2. JScript Example


	This example resets all optional panels to their default visibility.


ToggleOptionalPanel( "", true );

See Also

ShowOptionalPanel HideOptionalPanel