

v8.0 (2010)


Sets the normals associated with the specified components to the vertex normal of the component.

Note: This command will create user normals for the input components if required.

Scripting Syntax

SetVertexUserNormals( [InputObjs], [BleedSelection] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of components.

Default Value: Currently selected components

BleedSelection Boolean True to extend edge/polygon selections to include neighboring vertices.

Default Value: If not specified, the Tweak User Normal tool setting will be used


JScript Example

// Create a cube and set the user normals to the vertex normals

CreatePrim("Cube", "MeshSurface");

SetVertexUserNormals("", false);

See Also

CreateUserNormals ResetUserNormals RemoveUserNormals AverageUserNormals SetPolygonUserNormals InvertUserNormals NormalizeUserNormals CopyUserNormals PasteUserNormals SetUserNormalValues