



Sets or clears the keyable attributes on the list of parameters created by using the marking parameter string on the input list of objects.

Scripting Syntax

SetKeyableAttributes( [InputObjs], [Params], [Attribute] );


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of objects.

Default Value: Currently selected objects

Params String Parameter list, for example: kine.local.posx,kine.local.posy,kine.local.posz

Default Value: ""

Attribute siKeyableAttributeType What action to peform?

Default Value: siKeyableAttributeKeyable


1. VBScript Example

' Create a primitive cone and add custom parameter on it, then make that custom parameter keyable

NewScene , False

CreatePrim "Cone", "MeshSurface"

SIAddCustomParameter "cone", "MyFloat", siDouble, 0, 0, 1, , 5, 0, 1

SetKeyableAttributes "cone", "CustomPSet.MyFloat", siKeyableAttributeKeyable

2. JScript Example

// Create two Null objects and make their parameter keyable

NewScene(null, false);

GetPrim("Null", null, null, null);

GetPrim("Null", null, null, null);

SetKeyableAttributes("null,null1", "", siKeyableAttributeKeyable);

3. VBScript Example

' Change the scaling and rotation parameters on all the selected objects (the two nulls) from their default keyable to non-keyable visible

NewScene , False

GetPrim "Null"

GetPrim "Null"

SelectObj "Null,Null1"

SetKeyableAttributes , "kine.local.scl,kine.local.ori.euler", siKeyableAttributeNonKeyableVisible

4. JScript Example

// Clear the keyable attribute on the scaling parameters of the Null and Null1 objects

NewScene( null, false );

GetPrim( "Null" );

GetPrim( "Null" );

SetKeyableAttributes( "null,null1", "kine.local.scl.sclx,kine.local.scl.scly,kine.local.scl.sclz", siKeyableAttributeClear );

5. Python Example

# Clear the keyable attributes on the rotation parameters of all the selected objects (the two nulls)

from win32com.client import constants as c

Application.NewScene( "", 0 )

Application.GetPrim( "Null" )

Application.GetPrim( "Null" )

Application.SelectObj( "Null,Null1" )

Application.SetKeyableAttributes( "", "kine.local.ori.euler", c.siKeyableAttributeClear )

See Also

SaveKeyOnKeyable SaveKeyOnMarkedKeyable