



Sets the position of an FxOperator in the FxTree.

Scripting Syntax

SetFxOpPos( [FxOp], [x], [y] );


Parameter Type Description
FxOp String or FxOperator Object pointer or Object name of FxOperator to connect.

Default Value: Current selection.

Note: If the current selection is not a valid FxOperator, an error occurs.

x Float Specifies the position of the FxOperator in X.

Default Value: 0

y Float Specifies the position of the FxOperator in Y.

Default Value: 0


VBScript Example

' This example creates an FxTree, adds the FileInput operator

' to it, sets its position in X and Y, and prints the new positions.

set oTree = CreateFxTree()

set oFxOp = AddFxOp( oTree, "File Input" )

' Print the positions before updating

printPositions( oFxOp )

' Move the operator icon upwards and to the left

SetFxOpPos oFxOp, 143, 88

' Print the positions after updating

printPositions( oFxOp )

function printPositions( in_operator )

	' There is no scripting command to get the positions

	' of an FxOperator, but you can use the object model:

	Application.LogMessage "X and Y positions of the " _

		& oFxOp.Name & " operator: " _

		& oFxOp.PositionX & ", " _

		& oFxOp.PositionY

end function

' Output of above script:

'INFO : "X and Y positions of the FileInput operator: 215, 146"

'INFO : "X and Y positions of the FileInput operator: 143, 88"