



Set new values for Envelope deformer objects' reference poses. After an envelope has been assigned, you can change the reference pose of the envelope.

The reference pose is the stance that the envelope and its deformers return to when you use the Reset Actor command. It is also the pose that determines the initial weighting of points to deformers based on proximity.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = SetEnvelopeRefPoses( [InputObjs] );

Return Value

Returns the new envelope deformer objects.


Parameter Type Description
InputObjs String List of envelope deformer objects

Default Value: Current selection


VBScript Example


' This example sets a new reference pose on a null object used 

' as a deformer for a sphere. 


NewScene , false

' Create the null to use as a deformer

set oDeformer = GetPrim("Null")

' Create the sphere to deform

set oEnvelope = CreatePrim( "Sphere", "NurbsSurface" )

' Assign the deformer to the envelope

ApplyFlexEnv oEnvelope & ";" & oDeformer, False

' Change the position of the deformer so that we have a different

' position to use as the new reference pose 

Translate oDeformer, 3.21404651141284, 2.8656647389832, _

		-0.28656647389832, siRelative, siView, siObj, siXYZ

' Set new values for the envelope's ref poses

SetEnvelopeRefPoses oDeformer

' Move the deformer around. Once you use ResetActor, the sphere

' and null will snap back to the new reference pose


See Also
