

Exports an object to a dotXSI file.

This command is accessed through the main menu by selecting File->Export->dotXSI, then by selecting the desired export options and pressing Ok. This command is equivalent to the ExportDotXSI command, except that the user is not prompted for export options.

Scripting Syntax

SIExportDotXSIFile( [Model], FileName );


Parameter Type Description
Model String Object or model to be exported
FileName String Name of the output dotXSI file.


VBScript Example


' VBScript example : Importing and exporting a dotXSI file.

' This example uses the SIImportDotXSIFile and SIExportDotXSIFile

' commands, which do not prompt for the user for validation of 

' import/export parameters like ImportDotXSI and ExportDotXSI.


' Create a model, with some primitives.

dim ExportRoot

SICreateModel , "ExportRoot", , ExportRoot

CreatePrim "Torus", "MeshSurface", "Torus", ExportRoot

CreatePrim "Cube", "NurbsSurface", "Cube", ExportRoot

' Since we are not getting a dialog to modify dotXSIExport options,

' We can specify them here, if we wish. To see what each parameter corresponds to,

' goto the .spdl file, <InstallationPath>\Application\spdl\C3DdotXSIExportOpt.spdl.

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.project_name", ActiveProject.Name

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.output_file_format", 1 ' 0 = Binary, 1 = Ascii

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.output_file_format_version", 360 ' "3.0" = 300, "3.5" = 350, "3.6" = 360

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.sceneroot", False

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.polymesh", True

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.tesselation", False

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.nrbssrf", True

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.nrbscrv", True

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.animall", True

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.constraint", True

SetValue "dotXSIExportOptions.custompset", True

' Now specify to export the model to a dotXSI file

dotXSIFile = Application.InstallationPath( siUserPath ) & "\MyModel.xsi"

SIExportDotXSIFile ExportRoot, dotXSIFile

' Now delete the primitives and model, and re-import them.

DeleteObj "ExportRoot.Torus"

DeleteObj "ExportRoot.Cube"

DeleteObj "ExportRoot"

' Again, since we do not get a dialog box to change import options, change them

' now programmatically. To see what each parameter corresponds to, goto the

' .spdl file, <InstallationPath>\Application\spdl\C3DdotXSIImportOpt.spdl.

SetValue "dotXSIImportOptions.anim_import", True

SetValue "dotXSIImportOptions.classical_scaling", True

SetValue "dotXSIImportOptions.mat_import", True

SetValue "dotXSIImportOptions.txt_import", True

' Now import the same model that was just exported.

SIImportDotXSIFile dotXSIFile


' Output from this script (user specifies ok on both dialogs):

'INFO : "4004 - Begin: Export .xsi file"

'INFO : "4005 - End: Export .xsi file"

'INFO : "4002 - Begin: Import .xsi file"

'INFO : "4003 - End: Import .xsi file"

' Object: ExportRoot.Torus

' Object: ExportRoot.Cube


See Also

ExportDotXSI ImportDotXSI ExportModel SIImportDotXSIFile