

v9.0 (2011)


Creates a shader from a progid and connects it to the specified shader connection points. This command is the same as SIApplyShaderToCnxPoint except that it takes a ProgID instead of a Preset.

Scripting Syntax

oReturn = SIApplyShaderToCnxPoint2( ProgID, [InputObjs], [Name], [Value] );

Return Value

Returns the shader as either a Shader object (eg., when the shader is connected to a scene object) or a CollectionItem (eg., when the shader is connected to a pass).


Parameter Type Description
ProgID String (see Shader.ProgID) Any of the appropriate shader definition ProgIDs
InputObjs String List of shader connection points.

Default Value: Current selection

Name String Name of the shader

Default Value: If not specified, the name is automatically generated.

Value Boolean True to disconnect the previous shader, False to keep the previous shader

Default Value: True

See Also
