



Sets which particular render channel should be shown in the render region for the specified viewport(s). Which render channel are available depends on the current rendering engine being used and which render channels it makes available for render.

Scripting Syntax

RenderRegionSetRenderChannel( [Viewport], [RenderChannel] );


Parameter Type Description
Viewport siViewport The viewport(s) containing the render region with the render channel to set.

Default Value: siViewportCurrent (the viewport the cursor is currently hovering over)

RenderChannel String The render channel to render for the render region.

Default Value: "main"


JScript Example

// Creates a render region in viewport B (perspective view) and and sets it 

// to render only the specular render channel (if one exists).

RenderRegionCreate( siViewportB );

RenderRegionSetRenderChannel( siViewportB, "specular" );

See Also

RenderRegionCreate RenderRegionClose RenderRegionToggleVisibility RenderRegionRefresh RenderRegionToggleSelectionTracking RenderRegionSave RenderRegionSetDisplayType RenderRegionSetRefreshMode