Primary Colors Material Presets

List of available Primary Colors Material node presets.

Note See Material Presets for a list of different material preset types. Also see Alphabetical Listing of All Material Presets for a complete list of materials.
Preset Materials
Materials\PrimaryColors\Black Black preset (replaces the current material node with the Black preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Blue Blue preset (replaces the current material node with the Blue preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Cyan Cyan preset (replaces the current material node with the Cyan preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Green Green preset (replaces the current material node with the Green preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Magenta Magenta preset (replaces the current material node with the Magenta preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Orange Orange preset (replaces the current material node with the Orange preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Red Red preset (replaces the current material node with the Red preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Turquoise Turquoise preset (replaces the current material node with the Turquoise preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Violet Violet preset (replaces the current material node with the Violet preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\White White preset (replaces the current material node with the White preset.
Materials\PrimaryColors\Yellow Yellow preset (replaces the current material node with the Yellow preset.